“Flowers, fruits, a bird” and butterflies. So it looks like the still life of Count Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy, an outstanding sculptor, painter, draftsman, engraver.
Putting your hand on your heart, you can honestly say that this still life is a work, to put it mildly, weird. Looking at the individual components of the picture, somehow absurdly collected in one collage, there is a feeling that the earl deliberately tried to combine the elements, sorry, violently. There is such a concept that out of chaos, our world supposedly was born and many artists on this principle continue to work to this day. That is, they take, take off different artistic episodes by random selection in one container, and then headline their work as the deepest order of chaos or something in a similar vein.
I want to believe that Count Tolstoy did not pursue any destructive goals, creating this painting. But still, without a share of embarrassment, you can call Tolstoy still life a quality-made children’s applique. And if we look at the picture from the point of view of Fyodor Petrovich as a novice artist, we can note his success and perspective in comparison with the work of graduates of the senior group of nurseries.
Of course, one can try to find here some hidden meaning, a super task of the artist, a parallel with our political life. But why this? Look at this still life – it is not harmonious, all the pieces of the cloth are multidirectional.
Such pictures can even be called harmful for the human consciousness, since they create an imbalance in the viewer’s sense of the integrity of the golden section principle built into our biological system. In general, if we go further, the very direction of painting, called a still life, is unnatural! It’s like a cutting from living nature artificially inserted into the inorganic environment of industrial life!
Let the world be beautiful and, beautiful to you pictures of life, friends!