In front of me, it would seem, a simple question. But the longer I think, the harder it is to answer it.
Our people, after experiencing the idea of a socialist system, were disappointed in its results. And the result was a deficit, bureaucracy, corruption. But in order to ensure that all these 70 years existed socialism, we needed a target program. How many common useful things: they raised virgin land, built cities, laid railway highways, conquered space.
Each generation had its own characters, imitated, admired.
You need the country children doing good deeds – imitate Timur and his team.
The forefathers of labor are needed for the country, please, Stakhanov.
We need fearless pilots – here’s Valery Chkalov, Yuri Gagarin.
We need strong, strong-willed people – read the book “The Story of a Real Man” by Boris Polevoy, in which the protagonist, Alexei Meresyev, without legs, learned to walk on prostheses and is eager for war to defend his homeland in order to be useful to society.
Therefore, so many things needed for the country were made in those years.
And how many good songs were written by songwriters and composers. Take, for example, Lebedev-Kumach and Isaak Dunaevsky. The whole country sang their songs “My country is wide-spread,” “It’s easy on my heart from a cheerful song.” People sincerely believed in a bright future. This they lived, enduring hardship, minimalism in everything.
And what did the epochs between socialism and capitalism get at the breaking point? It turns out that one should not live for others-it is necessary only for oneself. And with these words there were criminal disassemblies, financial pyramids, oligarchs. It is also sad that the people did not live better. And industry, agriculture, culture – all important sectors of society have stopped, have ceased to develop. And heroes-idols, too, did not become.
Now we live, perhaps, in a happy time. Before our very eyes, Russia is again becoming a strong power. So, in particular, in 2014 at the Olympic Games in Sochi, our Olympic team in the overall medal standings took the first place. Throughout the country there is an upsurge of industry and agriculture. For example, in Moscow we see active construction of new areas, new metro stations, and a network of highways. People are building parks and squares for people. On holidays, the city is brightly illuminated. People themselves are included in various social programs. I mean the program “Active citizen” on the portal of the government of Moscow. People actively participate in charity marathons and help needy money, medicines, and things. People have become kinder, more merciful.
This year, Forbes magazine put Vladimir Putin among the most influential people on the planet. Certainly, our president deserves such a high evaluation. He put a lot of effort into stabilizing the situation in Syria and Ukraine. Thanks to his support of the Crimeans, Crimea again became the territory of Russia. In the annual conferences held by Putin, we see his real help to ordinary people. In short, Putin lives not for one himself, but for others. This is the secret of his success, his rating in the country and in the world.
Thus, when people live for others, when they are proud of their country, their work, when they understand that they are benefiting society, when they are rooting for their work with all their heart, then this is really joy, then this is real life.