Composition on the theme of childhood

When I was very young, I always dreamed of growing up. It seemed to me that in adults life is much more interesting – they can go where they want, they can use complicated devices and drive a car, choose their own clothes and stay up after dinner. And my parents just smiled and said that there was no need to rush, and they would have given much to become children again.

Now we are already teenagers, and therefore on the verge of adult life we ​​can reflect on what is this time of life – childhood. This is a light carefree time, when every minute you make new discoveries, and next to you are loving people who are ready to help at any moment. Mom learns to read from a book with beautiful pictures, and my father tries to explain what and how it works, and what these or other things are used for. Grandparents always welcome our visits, they are still young and energetic. My grandmother prepares a feast for the whole world and tries to feed everything to me alone, and my grandfather tours the seemingly huge garden.

The first domestic favorite is the cat Murzik. The first friends – neighbor children, boys and girls of different ages gathered together and walked all day without fatigue. The first quarrels and the understanding that people are different, can offend.

Childhood leaves an imprint on the entire subsequent life of a person – it is at this age that the main features of his character and worldview, talents and abilities are formed. I know a few guys from dysfunctional families, so they still have a hard time communicating with others and achieving success in their studies.

I am very grateful to my parents for the fact that my childhood was happy. I was not a spoiled child, but I always had everything I needed, and most importantly their care and attention. I would like that the warm feelings that cause childhood memories, help us cope with the difficulties in adulthood.



