Savrasov tried to find in the simplest and most ordinary those intimate, deeply touching, often sad traits that are so strongly felt in our native landscape and so irresistibly act on the soul. With Savrasov appeared lyricism in a picturesque landscape and boundless love for his native land.
AK Savrasov – the famous Russian landscape painter of the XIX century. In his paintings, depicting mainly the rural landscape of the Central Russian strip, the artist strove to truthfully convey the beauty of his native land. Cloth “Prosselok” – a masterpiece of Russian painting.
A modest, at first glance, unremarkable landscape. Dirty, rain-washed road, going into the distance. At the curb windy windswept winds, stretching to the cloudy sky. A golden strip of ripe field on the horizon.
The downpour has just ended. The sun is not visible, but its golden rays burst through the dirty-gray cumulus clouds that swish.
One ray of light made its way through the clouds, and the puddles glistened on the slippery road, the emerald green of the grass shone. Freshness breathes the earth.
Few artists managed so simply and touchingly to convey the charm of the nature washed by the rain. The picture shows that the artist is in love with his land. Looking at the canvas, I want to say: “Stop, moment, you are fine!”
Composition on the picture of Savrasov “Proselyok”