Composition on the picture of Levitan “Dandelions”

Description of the topic: The description of the painting is written in an artistic language, but not too abstruse. It’s just a still life. The artist snatched dandelions, put it in a vase and turned out to be very nice. Of course, everything may be and it was not so, then try it yourself.

“Dandelions” – one of the most famous paintings of Isaac Levitan. The artist wrote it in 1889. Living in Plyos, a small quiet place on the Volga, the master of still lifes embodied on the canvas lively and joyful dandelions. As if specifically for the contrast, he wrote an inexpressive gray background. In comparison with him dandelions in white and yellow hats look clear, warm, airy.

The artist painted these flowers with special tenderness and attention to every detail. Their captivating grace invariably evokes memories of summer, warm weather, light breezes and the smell of meadows. Picturesque representatives of native nature, dandelions, every spectator wakes up in the shower something of his own, warm and joyful.

A simple earthen jug with brown shiny gloss on its wide throat, its bulkyness, further emphasizes the fragility and tenderness of sunny colors. Their thin brittle stems are stretched out to the sides, one green leaf hangs down from the neck of the pitcher. A few bright yellow dandelions stand out against the background of white light hats already ready to put out the parachutes of flowers.

These white hats are especially penetrating and vulnerable, they remind of the speed of life and that any of its events can instantly flash, soon disappearing.

It is very interesting that Levitan is not in the museum of Ples in this picture. Although the museum staff always remember about it and recreate it in living colors, every day of the summer, renewing bouquets of dandelions. They put in a brown earthen jar, so that the similarity with the famous still-life was complete.

The original of Levitan’s painting “Dandelions” is in the state Chuvash art museum, in the department of Russian art. This is the artist’s story about the sun and its piercing strength, about life and happiness, the embodiment of which is a simple Russian flower – a dandelion.

Composition on the picture of Levitan “Dandelions”