The great master, whose brush and eyes are focused on such things that show the variety of colors of life, noticed the moments, the plot of which lay at the base of his merry and multifaceted canvases. What P. Fedotov painted on the canvas “Breakfast aristocrat”? Why is this work so interesting for me?
Until now, I have represented the aristocratic breakfast as a grandiose action from several acts and present spectators in the form of numerous well-trained servants. On the table are many different dishes, the kind of which will awaken the appetite even for a well-fed person. Their absorption is slow, as if something significant is happening in the dimensions of the Galaxy. Even the servant slowly “swims” along the table, obligingly and silently offering new and new dishes.
From the whole picture, drawn in my imagination, with what I see on the canvas, only the soundlessness coincides. Quietly, as if afraid of being heard and exposed, the one who wears the mask of an aristocrat absorbs the most modest food that one can imagine – breaking black bread. This is the only thing in the room that does not fit the general idea of the hero’s security.
It becomes clear that the ruined representative of the higher circles is forced to economize on everything. That’s an inverted empty purse that testifies to this. Only to admit this does not want. He has expensive furniture, luxurious clothes, paintings on the walls, to strengthen the prestige that he does not have, a young man started a dog, clearly indulging the fashion trends of that time. All this the artist depicts with the help of bright, saturated colors. Is there any hope for this aristocrat, that things will get better, thanks to all his tricks?
Indeed, the picture created by Fedotov is worthy of considering it carefully, to study. Then you can find a lot of details, emphasizing its psychological line and value. I liked that the character is trying to hide a single modest detail, covering just book a piece of bread. It sounded like a symbol of his actual illiteracy. The question arises as to what he was thinking when he read the great writers who praised their self-esteem.
Composition on the picture Fedotov “Breakfast aristocrat”