One of the best paintings of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is the work “Winter in the Woods (Hoarfrost)”. In his creative gallery unusually many wonderful works, however, it is this work that is filled with extraordinary beauty and mystery. The artist liked to depict beautiful landscapes of Russian land on his canvases.
Peering into the picture “Winter in the forest (hoar-frost)” the viewer finds himself in a magnificent forest kingdom, where everything is wrapped up in snow-white frost. We see before us a forest depicted in white and black colors. And the upper part of the picture is filled with magnificent shades of blue sky.
Paying attention to the picture, the viewer may notice that one part of the forest is more lightened than the other. Mighty, majestic trees beckon with their mystery and magic. The winter forest landscape is so realistic that, peering at it, you transfer to that snow-covered forest path, you hear the sounds of the awakening forest and the crunch of snowy land. The forest revitalizes! The sun’s rays pierce its every twig, illuminate the most distant and darkened corner.
Looking at the sky, the viewer feels his infinity, admires the magnificent blue tint that beckons each of us!
Looking at the picture, you can smell the freezing air that reigns in the forest! It’s so realistic! Watching the winter morning in the forest, feels inside a burst of strength and energy. I want to live by flinging my wings. The Russian forest is extremely similar to the Russian soul. Inside each of us there are the same two sides – light and dark! And only willpower and character can open this or that side of the soul to a greater or lesser extent.
Ivan Shishkin’s painting “Winter in the Woods (hoar-frost)” occupies a worthy niche among the artist’s works and is one of the best in the ranks of Russian art.
Composition on Shishkin’s painting “Winter in the Forest (Hoarfrost)”