Due to his special sensitivity and nervous penetration, Levitan was able to absorb all the thoughts and feelings that burned his peers and comrades. Having made them in his individual, to him one inherent lyricism, he poured it all out in a long series of paintings that reflected the aspirations of a whole generation. Levitanov’s paintings are significant in that they are the result of collective creativity.
The hut on the meadow. Detail: Flowers on a meadow.
He was more serious, stricter and more important, he studied nature more systematically and, thanks to his enormous work, was better than anyone knew how to express the impression he was striving for. He was the greatest and most wise artist of the Russian landscape.
Great must be the power of his works of art, if they act so irresistibly and gracefully. They contain the breath of true life and conceal genuine poetry. Therefore, through them now, perhaps, a slightly old-fashioned colorful outfit and through the heads of the most fashionable painters, from the depths of their feelings, still shines and does not cease to radiate the mysteriously beautiful friendly art of the great poet of Russian nature.
Composition on Levitan’s painting “The hut in the meadow”