Composition on Kuindzhi’s painting “After the Rain”

One of my favorite works of this artist is the painting After the Rain, which was written in 1879. Historians refer it to the late period in the work of Kuindzhi. It seems to me that the artist was fascinated by the theme of thunder, storms and storms. In my opinion, this picture also conveys the emotional mood, the excitement of nature after the rain. As if the rain had washed the earth and washed away all that was unnecessary.

Despite the fact that most of the works of this author are considered to be romantic, it differs from the previous ones. It does not have that romance that captivates your view, it attracts your attention with dynamics. On the canvas is a meadow overgrown with green grass. Shades of dark green color, the artist shows us that the sky has not yet dispersed clouds, a small stream we see in the center of the canvas, and in the distance there are village huts. In the meadow we see a horse is grazing. Thanks to the game with light, Kuindzhi manages to achieve the movement of the plot of his canvas. Peering into the picture, he comes to life, and now the stream rushes to the distance with his current, the horse that grazes in the meadow has moved closer to the reservoir, what to drink for the water, and from the hut a girl with buckets and a rocker came out, she goes to the stream to dial water.

All the pictures of this author, come to life and give space to our imagination, we do not notice how we become the protagonists and are involved in thinking about the plot. We are wondering if a rainbow will appear after the rain in the sky, or something else will happen. The artist in his landscapes is imbued with love for his native boundless expanses, for him the Russian nature is his native home. He does not think his pictures without native fields. His works breathe love. And it does not matter whether the sun or storm is depicted on the canvas.

Composition on Kuindzhi’s painting “After the Rain”