Central Russia: features of the population

1. What do you think, what became the modern “Great Russian”? What qualities of his ancestors were preserved, and which ones were formed anew?

Reading the description of the Great Russians, many Russian schoolchildren, probably, were delighted. Indeed, all the listed qualities can be called positive and it is pleasant to think that they were preserved in the blood of the inhabitants of modern “Great Russians”. Despite the fact that now a few are directly related to seasonal agricultural work, the habit of leaving everything at the last moment, and then fulfilling the target with the greatest effort, is preserved. In enterprising, the Great Russians are now inferior to representatives of other nationalities. Among the new qualities can be called extraordinary patience and accommodations, especially to various kinds of political experiments.

2. The labor resources of the Central District are highly qualified. What do you think, what conditions have contributed to this and are contributing now? Why did the Center always remain the center of gravity of energetic and talented people?

This was facilitated by the capital’s functions and the role that Moscow played and played in the political and economic life of Russia.

High qualification of the population of the Central District is due to the large concentration of high-tech industries here. The center has always attracted the most energetic and talented people, because it was in the metropolitan region that they were able to realize their abilities to the fullest, and also to improve further.

3. Give a description of one of the centers of folk arts and crafts.

In the Ivanovo region, 32 km from Shuya railway station there is a small town of Palekh city type. Here in the XVII century. Icon painting appeared, which reached its heyday in the 18th and early 19th centuries.

Palekh icons were famous for the special subtlety of writing with the use of gold on the garments of saints and in ornaments. The icons were written in several stages, each of which was carried out by different masters: one primed the board, the second – applied the contour of the future icon, the third – wrote the entire composition, except for faces, hands and other naked parts of the body – they were painted by the artist. Names and texts were written by the master-signer. And, finally, finished the work on the icon olifschik.

After the revolution of 1917 Palekh masters united in the Palekh artistic decorative artel, which produced wooden products with paintings. In 1923 they mastered a new material – papier-mache. Since then, Palekh miniature is known as a kind of traditional Russian lacquer miniature painting on papier-mache.

Palekh artists successfully worked in the field of theatrical and decorative art; IP Vakurov, sketches for the production of “Snow Maiden” at the Moscow Art Theater; NM Parilov, sketches for a number of productions in the Leningrad Academic Maly Theater of Opera and Ballet, etc.), book graphics), monumental painting, painting of porcelain products; restoration of monumental painting.

For the style of Palekh painting is characterized by a thin and smooth pattern on a predominantly black background, an abundance of gold shading, a clear silhouette of flattened figures. Decorative landscape and architecture, elongated graceful proportions of figures, color, built on a combination of the three primary colors – red, yellow and green, date back to the traditions of Old Russian icon painting.



