1. How was the center of Lviv built?
The history of princely Lvov, as is known, reaches the second half of the 13th century. and is associated with the names of princes Danila Romanovich and his son Leo. The city grew rapidly, therefore, to have plots for building, residents cut down the forest on the southern outskirts and changed the channel of Poltva. The network of streets was formed around the modern Market Square. According to the then rules of planning of European cities, the central place belonged to the town hall – the building where representatives of the city government met, around it there was a shopping central market square. This is how Lviv developed, so the Market Square was the center of the city’s trade and public life. Eight major city streets were heading for the square. They divided the city into large blocks, cut by a grid of smaller streets.
In the 16th century. in Lviv, residential buildings were erected on small plots of land, they were multi-storey, located close to each other. Only a narrow facade with a portal and two windows went out to the street – to illuminate the hall and rooms, and on the second and third floors – three windows. Premises on the first floor of such buildings were used for household needs: as shops, warehouses, various offices. The second and third floors were residential. The houses were built of stone, so they were called Kamenets.
2. What historical information does the architectural monuments of Market Square in Lviv contain?
To this day Lviv’s Square The market has preserved features of urban construction of the 16th century. . On four sides the area is surrounded by 44 stonemasons – the residential buildings of Lviv rich people. These structures are called by the names of their owners or by characteristic architectural features.
For example, crowned with sculptures on the facade is the merchant’s stone and the pharmacist Lorenzovic. In the 19th century. it was painted, after which the walls of the building acquired a characteristic black color, which gave it a new name “Black Stone”. Another construction of the Market Square – the palace of the Florentine merchant Bandinelli – is known for the fact that it housed the first post in the city. House number 14 belonged once to the Italian merchant Antonio Massari. On the portal of this stone is placed a winged lion with an open book, on which there is a date – 1600 year.
The most famous house on the Market Square is named Kornyakta. Konstantin Kornyakt is the richest Lviv merchant of the second half of the 16th century, a Greek.
His house – the only one in the city – was erected on two construction sites, which made it possible to plan the courtyard with open arcade-loggias. Therefore, the building is also called the Kornyakt Palace.
Center of Lviv and Market Square