Briefly about the creativity of Merime Prosper
Prosper Merimee began his creative career in the mid-1920s. as an active participant in the romantic movement.
One by one, his works appeared, not similar to the previous ones on themes and genre nature. The main contribution of Merimee to the French realistic literature is novellistics. Actually, he has great merit in the development of the novelistic genre. The novelist of this writer has a significant romantic element, an inner connection with romanticism, which unites him with Stendhal and Balzac. This connection was clearly reflected in the interest of Merimee to exotic, exceptional, fantastic, which became an important component of the structure of many of his novels. Most novels are written on exotic subjects, their heroes are Corsicans, Spaniards and Gypsies, Italians, Lithuanians, Negroes. The conceptual basis of these works is characterized by a romantic contrast between the “natural state”
By age, Stendhal was significantly older than writers, whose creativity was associated with the formation and the first stage of French realistic literature. The beginning of conscious life and creative activity of Balzac and Merime falls on the 20s of the XIX century. That is, for the Restoration period, for them the revolution of 1789-1799. and the Napoleonic era was already history, whereas Stendhal was a contemporary and participant in these events. His life can be divided into two halves. The turning point in it is 1814, which has become a turning point in the history of France: the turbulent era of social upheavals and wars ended, giving way to the “prosaic” bourgeois era. Stendhal was never able to “get accustomed” to the new reality, and this was profoundly reflected both in his biography and in his work.
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