Biography Zegers Anna

Difficult childhood
Defender and known for her revolutionary works Anna Zegers
was born in 1900. Anna was born on the banks of the Rhine, attended school in the city of
Mainz. After graduation, Seghers continued her education in the old
university town of Heidelberg, where she studied art history, but this did not
stop her from fervently accepting the events of modern times.
The October Revolution in Russia has stirred up the whole world. In the autumn of 1918, the
German people raised an armed uprising. On November 9, the power of the Kaiser was
overthrown. In the same year Anna Zegers became a member of the
German Communist Party.
In 1933 fascists came to power in Germany. The beginning of their reign they
were marked by brutal reprisals against the working class, the abolition of workers’
organizations, the abolition of bourgeois-democratic freedoms and other similar
Fascists burned thousands, which the right to be proud of the whole world. The best
works of leading writers, including the books of Anna Zegers, acquired a
special significance at that time in Germany. They became a combat weapon in the hands of anti-fascists.
When the Book Day was later organized in liberated Germany, a group of
Berlin youths presented Anna Zegers with a copy of her novel The Satellites,
burnt by the Nazis. In the conditions of the most severe terror, this novel was secretly
kept for twelve years, after which it was officially published.
Time for wanderings
In 1933, Anna began a difficult time for wandering. Anna Zegers was forced to
leave Germany. First in Paris, and then in Mexico, she found a temporary
shelter. In exile Anna Zegers, along with other leading figures of
German culture, founded the “New German Newspaper”, published in Prague. On the
pages of the newspaper, she exposed the Nazis and called for an irreconcilable struggle
with the regime.
She did not lose contact with her homeland for a second, helped to send
literature to underground organizations for Germany. At the 1st International Congress of
Writers in Defense of Culture in Paris in 1935, she delivered a speech in which
she spoke of the justice of the people’s liberation struggle and stigmatized by shame
crimes of fascist aggressors.
The writer has always been able to disclose the meaning of international events and give them the
right assessment. Since 1936, all the foremost people in the world were concerned about the
fate of Republican Spain, which fought against Franco and the German-Italian
interventionists. Among the fighters of the International Brigades of the Republican Army were
volunteers of the most diverse nationalities. In 1937 Anna Zegers came to
besieged Madrid in order to take part in the work of the 2nd International
Congress of Writers. In a short story “Meeting” she created a vivid image of the
Commissioner of the International Brigade, a friend of the fighters, a tested political
Anna Zegers combined true patriotism with a passionate love for her homeland. She
constantly called on the German people to resist Hitlerism. The news of the exploits of the
German underground anti-fascists penetrated abroad and strengthened the faith of Anna
Segers in the better future of Germany, whose most worthy representatives continued
to fight for peace and freedom.
During the years of emigration Anna Zegers actively participated in the general mobilization of the forces of the
Popular Front for a decisive struggle against the fascist warmongers.
The beginning of 1939 was marked by a terrible fire of the Second World War, and in
1941 the Nazis attacked the Soviet Union. Even more strongly hated the
writer of the fascists – the enemies of the world, the enemies of life on earth, who had nothing
holy in relation to humanity, the humanity of human life



