Biography Zazubrin Vladimir Yakovlevich

(1895 – 1938)

Zazubrin (Zubtsov) Vladimir Yakovlevich (1895-1938) – Russian writer. Born in Penza on June 6, 1895 in the family of a railway employee. The writer’s father Yakov Zubtsov actively participated in the events of the first Russian revolution and even was expelled in 1907 from Penza to Syzran under the open supervision of the police. Therefore, from the very childhood Zubtsov had a real idea of ​​revolutionary activity. At the end of 1912, as a student of the fifth class of Syzran’s real school, he became the organizer of the illegal student magazine “Echoes”. A year later, he established contact with the Syzran Social Democrats, becoming one of the leaders of local Bolsheviks. In 1915, Zubtsov was expelled from the last class of a real school and arrested. At the end of 1916 the Syzran Committee of the RSDLP (b), wary of frequent arrests of his comrades, sent V. Zubtsov “to work” in the secret police in order to prevent further failures. Until March 1917, fulfilling the directive of the committee, V. Zubtsov served in the gendarmerie. In August 1917, V. Zubtsov was mobilized in the army and was transferred to the Pavlovsky Junker School, where he adjoined the school’s revolutionary school. The October events met in Petrograd. Since February 1918, he has returned to Syzran. The beginning of the rebellion of the Belochek and the establishment of the power of the Ufa directory lead him as a “former cadet” to the Orenburg military school, which is soon evacuated to Irkutsk. In June 1919, at the end of the school, V. Zubkov was appointed commander of a platoon of the 15th Mikhailovsky Infantry Regiment, consisting of Perm workers. Lieutenant Zubtsov was able to persuade the soldiers and officers of his and the neighboring platoons to go over to the side of the Reds. After taking with them an artillery gun, they broke through the guard guard and joined the Tasei guerrillas with whom Zubov enters the city of Kansk. In Kansk he is producing the newspaper “Red Star”. The literary activity of Vladimir Zazubrin begins.
Of his works in the first place should be called a novel-chronicle “Two Worlds” (1921) about the defeat of Kolchak. Understanding of the tragic cruelty of the revolution in the story “Sliver” (1923, published 1989). On December 6, 1938, the writer was shot. Rehabilitated posthumously.
During the training in Syzran, the real school joined the RSDLP (b), took an active part in its work. But the propensity for adventure pushed Zubtsov to cooperate with the secret police and, ultimately, led to the dissolution of the city party committee.
In 1916, he was arrested for revolutionary propaganda. In the Civil War, mobilized by Kolchak, in November 1918, went over to the side of the Red Army. One of the founders and leaders of the Union of Simbirsk Writers (1926-28), secretary of the editorial board of the magazine “Simbirskie fires” (1923-1928). In 1928 M. Gorky was invited to Moscow to work in the State Publishing House and the magazine “Kolkhoznik”.
V. Zazubrin wrote a novel-chronicle “Two Worlds” (1921) about the defeat of Kolchak’s people – according to the memories of the participant in the events. Especially the author succeeded in mass scenes, imbued with the romantic pathos of the revolutionary struggle. The social significance of the “Two Worlds” was highly appreciated by VI Lenin, AV Lunacharsky and M. Gorky. Subsequent works – the novella “Pale Truth” and “Dormitory” (both – 1923).
Zazubrin long nurtured the idea of ​​an epic trilogy about the revival and flourishing of the culture of the peoples of Siberia. Part of this trilogy was the novel “Mountains” (1933), dedicated to the construction of the first agricultural communes. Peru also owns the screenplay “Red Gas” (1924), “Izbushka Baikal” (1926), memoirs of M. Gorky “The Last Days” (1936). During the years of Stalin’s cult of personality, he was illegally repressed. Posthumously rehabilitated.

Biography Zazubrin Vladimir Yakovlevich