Biography Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich
(1883 – 1945)
Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy [29.12.1882 (10.1.1883), the city of Nikolaevsk, now the city of Pugachev, Saratov region, on 23.2.1945, Moscow.
Born in the family of an aristocrat, his father was a distant relative of Leo Tolstoy.
He graduated from the St. Petersburg Machine Building Institute. In literature, he made his debut in 1907 with a poetic collection of “Lyrics”. In the years 1910-1912. published the novels “Eccentrics”, “Lame Barin” and a series of short stories and novellas, later named “Zavolzhie”; all these works were by and large imitations – first of all NV Gogol.
During the First World War, Tolstoy was a military correspondent. After the October Revolution, he left Russia and settled in France. In exile, he published an autobiographical novel, The Childhood of Nikita (1921), and a year later – Tolstoy had already moved from Paris to Berlin – saw the fantastic novel Aelita.
In 1923, Tolstoy returned to Russia; among the short stories and stories written by him shortly after his return, there is such a mini-masterpiece as “The Adventures of Nevzorov or Ibikus” (1924).
In the mid-1920s, the first part of Tolstoy’s famous trilogy, “The Walking by Flour” was published – the novel “Sisters” (Tolstoy began working on it in Paris, and completed the novel already in Russia). The second part of the trilogy, “The Eighteenth Year”, was published in 1928, the third, “Gloomy Morning” – in 1941. In the early 30-ies Tolstoy began his novel “Peter the First” (1930-1945).
In addition, in 1935 he published a fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” which became one of the children’s favorite books. During the Great Patriotic War, Tolstoy published a collection of articles about the birthplace of Rodina, as well as the famous story “Russian character” and the play “Ivan the Terrible” (1941-1943).
Tolstoy’s work was marked by a number of awards, including three Stalin Prizes – for the trilogy “Walking by Flour”, for the novel “Peter the First” and for the play “Ivan the Terrible.”