Biography Starshinov Nikolai Konstantinovich

(born 1924)

Starshinov Nikolai Konstantinovich (born in 1924), a poet.
He was born on December 6 in Moscow, in Zamoskvorechye, in a large family. The outbreak of the Patriotic War forced yesterday’s schoolboy to wear a soldier’s greatcoat and go to the front. Received the title of senior sergeant. In the battle of Spas-Demensky was seriously wounded. Then there was a hospital and state crutches.
The first poems were published in front-line newspapers. In 1947, the poem “Private Guards” appeared, where there are such lines: “We did not sit out the war in the basement…” The front-page note book became a kind of pass to the Literary Institute, which for many years remained for him the second home. Here the poet wrote his first book of poems “Friends”, published in the publishing house “Young Guard” in 1951.
In 1955 he graduated from the Institute. In the 1950s, poetry collections appeared: “In our hostel”, “Soldier’s youth”, “Song of light”; in the 1960s – “Merry pessimist”, “Seeing off”, “I’m going on a date”, etc.
Starshinov traveled a lot around the country, but he felt special love for Lithuania, gaining friends among the inhabitants of small towns and towns. The poet is known as the collector of ditties, which he publishes from time to time individual books – “Chastushki with pictures”, “Oh, Semyonovna!” and others.
In recent years, poetry collections have appeared: “Verb (1993),” My comrades-soldiers “,” My Birds “(1995), etc.
In 1994, the literary memoirs of Starshinov -” Faces, faces and faces “were published. Starshinov lives and works in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.



