Biography Orlov Sergey Sergeevich

(22.08.1921 – 7.10.1977)

Orlov Sergey Sergeevich (22.08.1921, the village of Megra, Vologda region – 7/10/1977, Moscow). He grew up in a family of rural teachers. In 1938 he received a prize at the All-Union competition of poems by schoolchildren for the poem “Pumpkin”, which Kornei Chukovsky liked very much. In 1940 he entered the history faculty of Petrozavodsk University. In June 1941, he joined the extermination battalion of the Belozersk people’s militia. Two months later he became a tanker. February 17, 1944, a little bit alive, was not burnt in the tank, traces of terrible burns remained on his face for life. The first collection of poems “Front” was released (together with S. Telkanov) in Chelyabinsk in 1942. The name brought the poem written in 1944 “He was buried in the earth’s ball.” Professionals highly appreciated the book “The Third Speed”, published in 1946, although ” Litgazeta “then seriously rebuked the author for pessimism. He graduated from the Litinstitute in 1954. But the poems about peacetime did not have a strong incandescence. On the same time, all critics understood this perfectly, at the same time, they did not want to offend the poet, inventing different beautiful, but to nothing non-binding words. Thus, Aliev Mikhailov was very ornately ranting, as if “in the 1960s. Orlov froze in amazement in front of the frescoes of Dionysius, who “moved the brush to the walls, the warmth of the dawn and the blue of the lakes,” and now the poet cares about art itself, his “secrets”, his magic, he naturally comes to understand the unity of content and form. The poet reflects on the fluidity of life, about its limit. “But the critic did not say the main thing, he did not say that these poems” about the fluidity of life “did not carry any discoveries, but they set forth in a very primitive form generally known truths. In the early 1970s, Orlov was elected the working secretary of the Writers’ Union of Russia, and he moved from Leningrad to Moscow. Laureate of the State Prize of Russia (1974) – For the book of verses “Fidelity”.



