Vladimir Ilyich Lenin – political figure, revolutionary, founder of the Bolshevik Party, the Soviet state, chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars.
In the biography of Lenin, education was received at the Simbirsk gymnasium. After a short study at the University of Kazan because of the promotion of the student movement was excluded. In Kazan he joins the Marxist circle. In St. Petersburg in 1893, engaged in publicism, studying the issues of social democracy, political economy.
In 1895 in the biography of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov travel abroad. After that, he became the founder of the party “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class”. As a result of his arrest, he was sent to the Yenisei province. It was there in three years that Vladimir Ilyich married N. Krupskaya. In the same place he wrote most of his works.
After completing the exile in 1900, he settles in Pskov. Then, in the biography of Ulyanov, in cooperation with other activists, the Iskra newspaper and the magazine Zorya is being published. In one of the issues he signed as Lenin. The surviving works of Lenin in the library are numerous, including his vision of the party, plans.
Lenin was one of the organizers of the second congress of the RSDLP, drafted a work plan, a party statute, trying to create a new society with the help of the socialist revolution. During the revolution of 1907-1907, Lenin was in Switzerland. After the arrest of many members of the party, the leadership passes to Ulyanov.
After the third congress of the RSDLP, he prepared uprisings, demonstrations. Despite the fact that the December insurrection suppressed, does not stop work, writes new works, publishes the newspaper Pravda, strengthens revolutionary organizations. In those years in the biography of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin there were many crossings, emigration. After the February Revolution of 1917 returned to Russia, he made a report. Lenin realizes the plan of the proletarian revolution, leads an anti-government uprising, and after the announcement of his arrest goes underground.
At the Congress of Soviets, a new government headed the SNK – the Council of People’s Commissars. He directs meetings and meetings. After the revolution of 1917, he entered into a peace treaty with Germany, founded the Red Army, the Third Communist International. The policy of war communism is changed by Lenin to a new economic policy aimed at the growth of the national economy, and he establishes a socialist state-the USSR. As a result of poor health, he died on January 21, 1924.
After the death, the cult of his personality grew even stronger: in the cities and villages monuments were set up for Lenin, many objects were renamed in his honor. The libraries of Lenin’s name were opened, but not all his wishes were brought to life. Lenin’s mausoleum in Moscow keeps the body of the greatest figure.
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