Rene Descartes is a mathematician, physicist, philosopher.
Born Rene Descartes March 31, 1596 in the French city of Lae in a family with noble roots. In his biography, René Descartes was raised by his grandmother after the death of his mother. He studied at La Flesch College, where he received religious education. In 1618, he began to study legal issues, also engaged in mathematics. In 1617 he entered the Dutch army. Together with the German army acted in the battle for Prague.
After returning to France, Descartes moves again. Because of the accusations of heresy, he decided to settle in Holland. In those days, much time devoted to science. In 1637, Descartes’s work “The Discourse on the Method” was published. Following him came: “Reflections on the First Philosophy,” “The Beginning of Philosophy.” For many years the biography of the mathematician Descartes did not recognize his works. Soon after moving to Stockholm in 1649, Descartes died.
The basic mathematical works of Descartes are “The Discourse on the Method,” an appendix to the book. Also the scientist considered Viiet’s symbolism, polynomials, solutions of algebraic equations, complex numbers. In addition, in his biography Rene Descartes studied mechanics, optics, human reflex activity.
Biography of Rene Descartes