Biography of Mikhail Sholokhov

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov is a Soviet writer, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, author of such famous works as “Quiet Flows the Don” and “Virgin Soil Upturned”.

Early years

Mikhail Sholokhov was born on May 11, 1905, on the farm Kruzhilin in the family of an employee of a trading enterprise.

The first education in the biography of Sholokhov was received in Moscow during the First World War. Then he studied at the gymnasium in the Voronezh province in the city of Boguchar. Arriving in Moscow to continue his education and not enrolled, he was forced to change many working specialties in order to feed himself. At the same time in the life of Mikhail Sholokhov there was always time for self-education.

The beginning of the literary path

His works were first published in 1923. Creativity in Sholokhov’s life has always played an important role. After the publication of feuilletons in the newspapers, the writer publishes his stories in magazines. In 1924, the first of Sholokhov’s Don’s stories-Rodinka-was published in the newspaper Young Leninist. Later all the stories from this cycle were combined into three collections: “Don’s stories”, “Azure steppe” and “About Kolchak, nettles and other things.”

The flowering of creativity

Sholokhov was widely known for his work on the Don Cossacks during the war – the novel Quiet Flows the Don. This epic over time became popular not only in the USSR, but also in Europe and Asia, it was translated into many languages.

Another famous novel by M. Sholokhov is “Virgin Soil Upturned.” This novel about the times of collectivization in two volumes in 1960 received the Lenin Prize.

From 1941 to 1945 Sholokhov worked as a military correspondent. During this time he wrote and published several short stories, essays, “On the Don,” “Cossacks” and others).
Sholokhov’s famous works are also: the story “The Fate of Man”, an unfinished novel “They Fought for Their Country.”

It is worth noting that the important event in the biography of Mikhail Sholokhov in 1965 was the receipt of the Nobel Prize for Literature for the novel-epic “Quiet Flows the Don.”

Last years of life

Since the 60s, Sholokhov has practically ceased to deal with literature, he liked to devote time to hunting and fishing. He gave all his awards to charity.
The writer died on February 21, 1984 from cancer and was buried in the courtyard of his house in the village of Veshenskaya on the bank of the Don river.

Interesting Facts
    When Sholokhov came to get married to one of the daughters of P. Ya. Gromoslavsky, the former Cossack ataman offered to marry another of his daughter – the elder Mary. In 1924 they were married. In marriage, they lived for 60 years, the family had four children. Sholokhov was the only Soviet writer who received the Nobel Prize with the approval of the current government. He was called “the favorite of Stalin,” although Sholokhov was one of the few who was not afraid to tell the leader the truth. Around the name of Sholokhov, the problem of the authorship of his works periodically popped up. After the publication of the novel The Quiet Don, the question arose: how could such a young writer create such a voluminous work in such a short period of time. By order of Joseph Stalin, even a commission was created, which, after studying the manuscript of the writer, confirmed his authorship.

Biography of Mikhail Sholokhov