Biography of Jean Louis Zherico

Jean Louis André Theodore Gérico is a French artist.

Education in the biography of Géricault was held by famous masters of that time – Vernet and Gerena. In their studio, Jean Louis met Delacroix. In 1812, the exhibition “Cavalry Officer” was held, and two years later – “Wounded Cuirassier”.

From 1816 to 1817, Géricault studied in Rome. Upon his return to Paris, he presented his famous picture “Raft of the Medusa” 1819, the Louvre. It was a huge raging painting depicting a group of people after the shipwreck. The picture was based on a real event of the time, which contained scandalous elements and political overtones, so that the work attracted great public interest.

In 1820, a painting by Jean Louis Géricault was exhibited in London. She was noisy and received a lot of attention. Three years of stay in England have borne fruit of painting. So Jericho wrote some beautiful canvases about horses: “The Village Forge”, “Horse Fed by a Child”, also the famous painting “Epsom Derby”. He also wrote some insane portraits, for example “The Madwoman”. In addition, he produced several small figures and made excellent lithographs.

The fall from the horse led to the premature death of the artist. In his biography, Géricault was engaged in art for only 10 years, but even this short-lived period allowed him to occupy a worthy place among the best artists of the century. The influence of Gericault’s works on French painting was great and long-lasting.

Biography of Jean Louis Zherico