Biography of Francois Fillon

Francois Fillon is a political, statesman, 19th French Prime Minister.

Born March 4, 1954 in the city of Le Mans.

Education in Fion’s biography was received at a small provincial university in France. Then in Paris, Francois received a doctorate in law, political science. Dreaming to become a journalist, I practiced for three years. After that he devoted himself completely to political activity. In 1981 he became a deputy of the lower chamber.

François Fillon held positions of ministers of various directions. So under François Mitterrand’s presidency, when E. Balladur was prime minister, Fillon served as minister of higher education. Then from 1995 to 1997, Fillon was Minister of Information Technology.

When Jacques Chirac was re-elected president, François had a good chance of becoming prime minister. However, this position was taken by Jean Pierre Raffarin, and Fillon became Minister of Social Affairs. At this stage Francois Fillon implemented a pension reform, subsequently called the reform of Fillon.

From 2004 to 1005 he served as Minister of Education, held several reforms. After the dissolution of the government of Raffarin, Fillon did not become a member of the Cabinet. Entering the upper house of parliament, he supported Sarkozy. When Nicolas Sarkozy began to fight for the presidency, Fillon became his closest adviser.

May 17, 2007 in the biography of Fillon was the most important event – he was appointed French Prime Minister.

He is married to Penelon Fillon, has five children.



