Andrei Platonovich Platonov is a Russian Soviet writer, prose writer and playwright of the 20th century, whose work is distinguished by its originality and originality.
Childhood and youth
Andrei Klimentov was born on August 20, 1899 in Voronezh in a working family, in which, besides Andrei, another 10 children were born. As the eldest son, Andrei Platonovich helps parents in the education of brothers and sisters, and later begins to provide materially.
Education in the biography of Platonov was received at the beginning of the parochial school, then in a 4-class city school. Since 1918 he began to study at the Technical School in Voronezh. Because of the difficult financial situation in the family, he began to work early. He changed many professions: he was an assistant to the machinist, a pipe foundry worker in the factory, he worked in the insurance sphere, and in the production of millstones.
The beginning of the literary path
He began writing during the Civil War, as he worked as a military correspondent. This was followed by active creative activity: Andrei Platonovich Platonov showed himself as a talented writer and critic. In 1921 he published his first book “Electrification”, and in 1922 a book of poems by Platonov “Blue Depth” was published, which received positive reviews from critics.
In 1923 the poet Valery Bryusov spoke positively about the collection of poems by Andrei Platonovich.
The flowering of creativity and repression
After graduating from Polytechnic in 1924, Platonov works as an electrical engineer and reclamation specialist. Like many people of that time, Andrei Platonov’s biography is filled with idealistic revolutionary ideas. Expressing them in his works, the author eventually comes to the opposite opinion, realizing the impracticability of the conceived.
In the years 1927-1930. Platonov wrote one of the most significant of his works: the story “The Pit” and the novel “Chevengur.”
Then in Platonov’s life a turning point comes. After the publication of the novel “Vprok”, which was sharply criticized by Joseph Stalin, the writer’s works refuse to be published. During the Great Patriotic War Platonov, as well as during the Civil War, works as a military correspondent. The stories and military stories of Platonov are printed again.
Last years of life. Death and heritage
However, the literary freedom of the writer did not last long. In 1946, when Platonov’s story “Return” came out, he again ceased to print because of excessive criticism, now forever. It is likely that such events led him to ironic thoughts about the failure of revolutionary ideas. The writer died on January 5, 1951 in Moscow from tuberculosis, and was buried in the Armenian cemetery.
Literary fame to the writer came after the death. As Vasiliev remarked briefly: “The reader missed Andrei Platonov during his lifetime, in order to get acquainted with him in the 1960s and open it anew in our time.”
In memory of the writer in Voronezh his name was given to a street, a library, a gymnasium, a literary prize, and a monument in the center of the city was erected in his honor.
Biography of Andrei Platonov