Biography of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is a brilliant physicist who laid the foundation for the development of modern physics.

He was born in Germany in 1879 in a wealthy family. Closed in nature, the teenager was deeply religious, he did not differ in school from other students. After acquainting himself with the philosophical works of Kant, Einstein became interested in mathematics and physics. He was educated at the Luitpol Gymnasium, where he began to be distinguished by a good knowledge of the exact sciences.

Having moved to Italy, and then to Switzerland, Einstein did not attend the Polytechnic of Zurich. However, he received a certificate in the Swiss school Aarau, and then enthusiastically studied at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Polytechnic. According to Einstein’s reflections, to memorize the material one does not need to memorize it, it is sufficient to logically analyze the material.

Enthusiasm of physics and mathematics, constant research lead to the publication of a number of articles on static mechanics, the physics of molecules. The most famous teaching of Einstein is the theory of relativity. This theory was developed on the basis of Lobachevsky’s geometric theory of relativity. The other greatest discoveries of the scientist include work on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion. Using quantum statistics, Einstein, together with the physicist Bose, discovered the fifth state of matter, named in their honor the Bose-Einstein condensate.

Then Einstein moved to the United States and began teaching physics at the Princeton Institute. In parallel with the teaching activity, the scientist worked on the theory of a single gravitational-electromagnetic field. Einstein died in 1955, his body was cremated, and ashes scattered.

The greatest scientist, the founder of numerous theories, Einstein remained an open, modest and affable person for the rest of his life.

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Biography of Albert Einstein