Biography Odoyevsky Vladimir Fedorovich

(1804 – 1869)

Odoevsky Vladimir Fedorovich (1803, according to other data 1804 – 1869), the prose writer.
He was born on July 30 (August 11, 2007) in Moscow. His father came from an ancient princely family, his mother’s parents were serfs.
In 1816 – 22 he studied at the Moscow University noble boarding school. Then he began to cooperate with the magazine “Kalliope” (1820). At that time he became interested in F. Schelling’s philosophy, later met with him, surprising him with the encyclopedic nature of his knowledge.
He took part in the activities of the “Free Society of Russian Literature”, and in 1823 – 25 led the first philosophical circle in Russia – “The Society of Wisdom”. His central work “Russian Nights” can be considered the main literary monument of Russian folly.
After December 14, 1925 he, as he could, assisted Odoyevsky and Kiichelbecker, asking for a mitigation of their fate.
In 1826, Odoyevsky moved to St. Petersburg, entered the service in the Committee of Foreign Censorship. In these years he meets with Pushkin, collaborates with Literaturnaya Gazeta and the Northern Flowers almanac. When Pushkin begins publishing the “Contemporary”, Odoyevsky becomes an active member of his staff and assistant. Here is published his article “On the hostility to enlightenment.”
In 1844 he published his collected works in three volumes.
From 1846 Odoevsky served as assistant to the director of the Public Library and director of the Rumyantsev Museum, in connection with the transfer of which in 1862 to Moscow, returned to his native city.
The flowering of creativity falls on 1830 – 40: a collection of “Motley Fairy Tales” (1833), “A Tale of a Dead Body, Unknown to Anyone”. A number of works are devoted to the status of a woman in Russia: the story “Princess Mimi” (1834), “Princess Zizi” (1839). “Mysterious story”: “Sylphide” (1838), “Salamander” (1841).
Odoevsky contributed to the development of musical criticism, promoted the work of composers M. Glinka, A. Alyabyev, M. Balakirev, and others.
Odoevsky died on February 27 (March 11, 1869) in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Odoyevsky Vladimir Fedorovich