(1919 – 1982)
Narovchatov Sergey Sergeevich (1919 – 1982), the poet.
He was born on October 3 in the town of Khvalynsk, Saratov region. I spent my childhood on the Volga. In 1933, together with his parents, went to Kolyma, where he graduated from Magadan secondary school.
In 1937 he came to Moscow and entered the Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History (MIFLI), simultaneously studying at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1941.
With the outbreak of the Patriotic War he volunteered for the front, fought in the ranks of the Soviet Army, worked in the editorial offices of army newspapers.
He appeared in print with verses in 1941. The military theme formed the basis of both the first book of Narovchatov “Fire” (1948) and all his poetry. In the postwar years, his poetry collections came out: The Soldiers of Freedom (1952), The Exquisite Traveler (1963), The Quarter of the Century (1965), Through the War (1968), The Banner of Height (1974), and others.
in 1977 it was published a collection of essays Narovchatov in three volumes.
He also appeared in literary criticism and literary criticism: “Unusual literary criticism” (1970), “Atlantis next to you” (1972), “The Living River” (1974), etc.
He owns the research work “Lermontov’s Lyrics. (1964). S. Narovchatov died in 1982 in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Narovchatov Sergey Sergeevich