(1.06.1923 – 2.03.1996)
Mozhaev Boris Andreevich (1.06.1923, the village of Pitelino, Ryazan region – 2.03.1996, Moscow). Father before the revolution served on the boat. He grew up in a peasant family. After school in 1940 he submitted documents to the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers for the shipbuilding faculty. But then they introduced a fee for the training. Before the winter, Mozhayev still somehow managed to find money for studies, working as a loader on the pier. I had to leave the institute and join the army. In 1943 he entered the Leningrad Higher Engineering Technical School of the Navy stationed in Yaroslavl. After the war, being a cadet, I also tried to study in absentia on the faculty of the Leningrad State University. Having received in 1953 the diploma of the military engineer, has gone to the Far East. He was demobilized in 1954. One time he was engaged in collecting and processing Udege tales. He graduated from two-year Higher Scenario Courses. Many things the writer pierced his way to the press with great difficulty. Here you can recall at least the history of the essay “The Earth is waiting for the owner.” It was written back in 1960. So, the editor-in-chief of the journal “Oktyabr” F. Panferov, in order to obtain publication, reached one of the secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU and assistant Khrushchev. And then, the essay was printed only in the order of the discussion. This happened in 1961. In addition, from its name the government demanded to remove the word “master”. In 1963, a frenzy broke out around the story “Against heaven on earth.” V. Kochetov at some point was frightened and ordered to return the manuscript from the printing house. In his opinion, the story “lacked” socialism. In manuscript form, she published in 1965 in the publishing house “Soviet writer” but already under a different name – “Polushko-pole”. In 1966 Mozhaev wrote the play “Once Upon a Time”, which talked about the life of the country at the turn of the 1950s-1960s. The play was going to put Mikhail Kedrov in the Moscow Art Theater. But the board of the Ministry of Culture of Russia decided that there is no fraud in our country and therefore it was forbidden to prepare a premiere performance. A little more fortunate story “From the life of Fedor Kuzkin.” In July 1966, Tvardovsky published it in the “New World”. The story caused a huge resonance. Yury Lyubimov undertook to stage her at his Taganka Theater. However, the authorities (first of all, P. Demichev, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and E. Furcevoi, Minister of Culture), having regarded the novel and the play as libel on the Soviet way of life, resorted to prohibitive measures. Later, the writer tried to support a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, D. Polyansky, who was almost the main protector of Russian patriots in the ruling elite. But in actual fact it turned out that Polyansky is not so omnipotent. A new publication of the story, already called Live, was held only in 1973 in the collection of the writer Lesnaya Doroga, and the premiere of the play was held only in 1989. In the late 1960’s Mozhaev conceived the novel “Guys and women.” He told Solzhenitsyn about his plans, with whom in 1969 he together went on a “Muscovite” tour of the Ryazan region. Solzhenitsyn later recalled how Mozhaev told him about a thrilling book: “First the blossoming village of the Twenties, then collectivization and the marked peasant rebellion that took place in Nineteen Thirtieth in Pigelinsky District.” And I listened to all ears, and wrote down, and with eyes Borya ate, as a living embodiment of the middle-Russian peasantry, that’s the insurgency – and he did not get to the main conjecture, and this is the writer’s law: the guess of the image comes most often with delay, even much later. Only months later I guessed: let Borya describe the main peasant hero of the “Red Wheel”! – he naturally entered into the soldier, with his fighting readiness, agility, and peasant meditation, ritual, delicacy – and in the explosion of the Tambov mutiny. So – was born and written (and not written down, like the whole “Wheel”, to the commander of the partisan regiment) – Arseny Blagodarev. From the living – it was easy, easy to write. (I did not tell Bora about it myself, so as not to violate the naturalness, but he read it when “Augustus”, then “October”
26 February). In 1973 he completed the first book of the novel “Guys and Women.” Mozhaev told me in 1987: “It was difficult to print the novel, for example, it was impossible to publish the first volume for three years, first it was accepted by V. Kosolapov, the former editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir journal, but Kosolapov did not have time to print it, and C Narovchatov rejected the novel and only managed to release the first volume in the Sovremennik publishing house in 1976. He sat down at the end of the seventy-eighth year to write the second volume, and he could have written it by the autumn of 1979. But I did not see the publisher. to do film for six months “Preliminary investigation.” And then, in four months, I finished the second volume, and in March I put the last point in. The manuscript bypassed almost all the journals. She visited the magazine “Friendship of Peoples”. The prose department and the editorial board approved it, but the editor-in-chief S. Baruzdin said that he would miss my “One and a half square meter” story that lay with him for ten years, and then only a novel. But after the publication of the story in the newspapers there was a big noise, and the novel Baruzdin did not begin to print. I took the manuscript to the journal Our Contemporary. The first deputy editor-in-chief Yu. Seleznev was very interested in the novel. He took the manuscript to Glavlit and received permission to publish it. However, the editor-in-chief S. Vikulov, who had returned from his creative vacation, rejected the novel. After that the manuscript was offered to the magazine “New World”. The novel was again in Glavlit. No objection to the manuscript in Glavlit, to the surprise of the then editor, again called. For three years, V. Karpov pulled, but did not print it. And last year the magazine “Don” offered its services. In Don, the novel was immediately put into production. “Igor Zolotussky gave a very accurate description of the novel” Guys and Babes. “” The novel by Boris Mozhayeva is strong not with his own thoughts, but with pictures, “he wrote in a review article” Prose-87: Light and shadows. ” – His thoughts – and the author often turns to the language of direct conversation with the reader – are politicized, at best olitaterureny, full of references to the disputes of Russian classics, disputes of the XIX century. Mozhayev modernizes these disputes, puts them into the mouths of the thirties, but this is not said by the police chief Ozimov, the teacher Uspensky or the secretary of the Komsomol cell in the village of Maria Obukhova, and Moscow intellectuals of the sixties, who for the first time in those years discovered Dostoevsky, opened “Demons” and the problems of “goals” and “means.” In 1993 he brought to the magazine “Our Contemporary” a manuscript of the novel “Izgoy”. In 1995 he headed the magazine “Russia”. In the last years of his life, doctors discovered that he had “undifferentiated cancer” of the abdominal organs. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1989). In the two-volume dictionary “Russian writers, the twentieth century” (Moscow, 1998), the date of death is erroneously indicated on March 4. abdominal organs. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1989). In the two-volume dictionary “Russian writers, the twentieth century” (Moscow, 1998), the date of death is erroneously indicated on March 4. abdominal organs. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1989). In the two-volume dictionary “Russian writers, the twentieth century” (Moscow, 1998), the date of death is erroneously indicated on March 4.