Biography Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

(born 1913)

Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich (born 1913), poet, playwright.
He was born on February 27 (March 12, 2001) in Moscow in the family of an employee, “one of the pioneers of Soviet industrial poultry farming.”
Father instilled in his son a love of Russian literature, introduced the verses of V. Mayakovsky, D. Bednyi, S. Esenin, whose influence on poetry affected the children’s and youthful poetic experiments of the young Mikhalkov.
He spent his school years in Pyatigorsk, graduating from high school in 1930.
Mikhalkov’s first poem “The Road” was published in the magazine “On the Rise” (Rostov-on-Don) in 1928. In the same year he was enlisted in the author’s asset of the Tersk Association of Proletarian Writers (TAPP), and his poems were often printed on the pages of the Pyatigorsk newspaper “Terek”.
In 1930 he moved to Moscow and for three years worked as a laborer at the Moskvoretsky weaving and finishing factory. He took part in a geological exploration expedition to East Kazakhstan and the Volga. Poems Mikhalkov increasingly published in the capital press, broadcast by radio. Since 1933, it became possible to live only on literary earnings. He belonged to the association of young writers in the magazine “Ogonyok.”
In 1935 – 37 he studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.
In 1935 in the magazine “Pioneer” Mikhalkov published a poem for children “Three Citizen.” He was followed by other children’s verses: “Merry Tourist”, “Stubborn Foma”, “We are a friend”, “Uncle Stepa”, included in the first book of poems by S. Mikhalkov (1936). Acquaintance, friendly criticism, and then creative friendship with writers A. Fadeevsh, S. Marshak and K. Chukovsky finally determined the literary fate of Mikhalkov.
In 1939 he was drafted into the Red Army and participated in the liberation of Western Ukraine, first tried his forces in the front press as a military correspondent, which was also in the ranks of the Soviet Army throughout the years of the War of Independence.
Continuing to work in the army press, he forgot his little reader: he wrote poems for kids and school-age children: “Byl for Children”, “Pioneer Parcel”, “Map”, “Mother”, etc.
One of the oldest masters of Russian literature, A Tolstoy submitted to Mikhalkov the idea of ​​turning to the fable, and the first fables he wrote were approved by Tolstoy. In the newspaper “Pravda” was printed “Fox and beaver.” Then came the “Hare in the Hop”, “Two Girlfriends”, “Current Repair” and many others (Mikhalkov’s pen belongs to about two hundred fables).
He wrote plays for children’s theaters: “A Special Task” (1945), “Red Tie” (1946), “I Want Home” (1949), Sombrero (1957), etc. and plays for adults.
Since 1962 Mikhalkov – the organizer and editor in chief of the satirical newsreel “Wick.” S. Mikhalkov lives and works in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich