Martynov Leonid Nikolaevich (1905 – 1980), poet, translator.
Born May 9 (22 N. s.) In Omsk in the family of a technology of communication, closely followed the upbringing and spiritual growth of his son, who supported his interest in technology and drawing. Love of poetry came to Martynov after acquaintance with the verses of Mayakovsky. Second love, he later called Blok’s poems.
Before graduating from high school, Martynov actively collaborated in three Omsk newspapers – Rabochiy Put, the railway – Signal and Siberian Vodnik. Working on notes, chronicles, bibliography and incidents, he was more and more fond of writing poems on a variety of topics – modern, historical, lyric. His first poems were published in 1921.
In the 1930s he published a large series of poems dedicated to the historical past of Russia (The Story of a Russian Engineer, The Tobolsk Chronicler, The Tale of Ataman Vasily Tyuments, and others) .The first poetic collection Poems and Poems was published in Omsk in 1939. As if the commentary on the poems were artistic and historical essays in prose “Fortress on Omi” (1939), “The Story of Tobolsk voivodeship” (1945) .The collections “Lukomorye” and “Ercinsky Forest” represented the lyrics of the poet. condemned the cycle “Lukomorye”, and this led to almost a decade break in the poet’s poetry publication.
In the 1960s new collections of Poet’s poems appeared: “First birth”, “Voice of Nature”, “Human names”; in 1972 – a collection of “Hyperbola”, “Earth burden”, etc. Martynov has been busy translating poetry from English, French, Italian, Polish and other languages.
His pen belongs also to the collection of correspondence and essays (“Difficult forage”, 1930), autobiographical novel “Air frigates” (1974), a book about literary work – “Ways of poetry” (1975). In 1980 at the age of 75 years L. Martynov died.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Martynov Leonid Nikolaevich