Biography Lugovskoy Vladimir Alexandrovich
(1901 – 1957)
Lugovskoy Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1901 – 1957), the poet.
Born June 18 (July 1, current) in Moscow in the family of a teacher of Russian literature, who was a widely educated man, historian and archaeologist, an expert in painting, sculpture and architecture. His love for Russian art had a great influence on his son.
He studied at the 1-st Moscow Gymnasium, after graduating early, entered the 1st MSU, but then went to the Field Control of the Western Front. The October Revolution and the Civil War dictated their living conditions.
In 1919 he entered the main school of universal education, after graduating, he moved to the Military Pedagogical Institute. Here he began to write poetry, “wrote day and night,” giving his inspiration to everything new that the revolution brought. In 1921 he graduated from the Institute and again got on the Western Front, then at the Political Department.
In 1922 he served in the Kremlin Department of Affairs and at the military school of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. The first of his poems was published by A. Lunacharsky in the “New World” (1924). The book “Spolokhi”, published in 1926 in the publishing house “Uzel”, was published on its own money. The following books were “Muscle” and “The Suffering of My Friends”.
In the early 1930s, Lugovskaya traveled several times to Central Asia, impressions of which were reflected in his poetic epic, The Bolsheviks of the Desert and Spring (1931-33). Returning home, almost immediately went as a correspondent of the “Red Star” with a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet to Turkey, Greece and Italy. The result of this journey was the book “Europe”, summarizing the author’s observations.
In 1923 he visited Dagestan, then in Azerbaijan, lived in Baku for a long time, working with S. Vurgun to create an anthology of Azerbaijani poetry.
In the late 1930’s made a trip to the North, then he lived in Sevastopol and on the southern coast of the Crimea, he wrote a lot, referring to the historical theme. In recent years, the books “Solntsevorot” and “Blue Spring” and the most significant book by Lugovsky – “The Middle of the Century” were published.
June 5, 1957 V. Lugovskoy died suddenly in Yalta.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.