(1894 – 1979)
Lidin Vladimir Germanovich (1894 – 1979), the prose writer.
He was born on February 3 (15th century) in Moscow to a merchant family. He received a good home education, which enabled him to successfully study at the Moscow University, where he studied oriental studies (Oriental studies) and jurisprudence. In his student years from time to time he published short stories. In 1905 he graduated from the university. In 1916 the first collection of stories by Lidin was published – “Tran-Grass”, in 1917 – “Hollow Water”.
During the civil war he was in the ranks of the Red Army, he fought on various fronts, in Siberia. In the first years after the revolution, he made several trips to Western Europe and the Middle East.
After 1922 he published a lot: collections of short stories “Myshye everyday life” (1923), “Nord” (1923), etc., a collection of essays – “Paths and miles” (1927), novels “Go ships” (1926), “The Departed” (1927). During these years, Lidin was repeatedly attacked by critics, who called him a bourgeois writer.
In the 1930s he wrote works on the construction of a new life in the Far East – the Great or the Quiet (1933), etc.
During the Patriotic War he was a military correspondent for Izvestia, some of his sketches of this time were collected in the book “Winter of 1941” (1942). Lydia met with many writers, actors, artists, whose memories are the content of the book “People and Meetings” (1957). He taught at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.
In the 1970s, collections of short stories – “The Blue Fleece”, “All the hours of the time”, “Reflection of the stars, Stories 1974 – 1976” (1978). Died V. Lidin September 27, 1979 in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Lidin Vladimir Germanovich