Biography Kaverin Veniamin Alexandrovich


Kaverin Veniamin Aleksandrovich (1902 – 1989), the prose writer.
Born April 6 (19 N. p.) In Pskov in the family of a musician. In 1912 he entered the Pskov gymnasium. “My older brother Y. Tynyanov, later a well-known writer, was my first literary teacher, who instilled in me a passionate love for Russian literature,” Kaverin writes.
He came to Moscow as a sixteen-year-old boy and graduated from high school in 1919. He wrote poetry. In 1920 he transferred from Moscow University to Petrograd, simultaneously enrolling in the Institute of Oriental Languages, he graduated from both. He was left at the university in graduate school, where for six years he was engaged in scientific work and in 1929 defended his thesis entitled “Baron Brambeus.” The history of Osip Senkovsky. In 1921, together with M. Zoshchenko, N. Tikhonov, Vs. Ivanov was the organizer of the literary group “Serapion Brothers”. First published in the almanac of this group in 1922 (the story “The Chronicle of the City of Leipzig for 18 … year”). In the same decade he wrote stories and novels (“Masters and apprentices” (1923), “Diamonds” (1927), “The End of Khaza” (1926), a story about the life of scientists “Scandalist,
In 1934 – 36 wrote his first novel, “Execution of Desires,” in which he set the task not only to convey his knowledge of life, but also to develop his own literary style. It succeeded, the novel was a success.
The most popular work of Kaverin was a novel for young people – “Two Captains”, the first volume of which was completed in 1938. The outbreak of the Patriotic War stopped work on the second volume. During the war, Kaverin wrote front-line correspondence, military essays, stories. At his request was sent to the Northern Fleet. It was there, day by day dealing with pilots and submariners, I understood in what direction work would go on the second volume of “Two Captains”. In 1944 the second volume of the novel was published.
In 1949 – 56 worked on the trilogy “The Open Book”, on the formation and development of microbiology in the country, on the goals of science, about the nature of the scientist. The book has gained popularity with the reader.
In 1962, Kaverin published the story “Seven pairs of unclean”, telling about the first days of the war. In the same year was written the story “oblique rain.” In the 1970s he created a book of memoirs “In the Old House”, as well as the trilogy “Illuminated Windows”, in the 1980s – “Drawing”, “Verlioika”, “Evening Day”. V. Kaverin died on May 2, 1989.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Kaverin Veniamin Alexandrovich