Kassil Lev Abramovich (1905 – 1970), the prose writer.
He was born on June 27 (July 10, 2006) in the village of Pokrovskaya (town of Engels on the Volga) in the family of a doctor. He studied at the gymnasium, after the revolution transformed into the Unified Labor School. Collaborated with the Pokrov Children’s Library-the reading room, in which various groups were organized for the children of the workers, including a handwritten magazine published, whose editor and artist was Kassil. After graduation for active public work, Kassil received a referral to the university. In 1923 he entered the mathematical department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University, specializing in the aerodynamic cycle. By the third year I began to think seriously about literary work. A year later he wrote his first story, which was published in 1925 in the newspaper Novosti Radio. I spent all my free time reading Russian classics.
In 1927 he met with V. Mayakovsky, whose thunder-like talent had long admired, began to collaborate in the journal “New Lef” by Mayakovsky. Here were excerpts from the first book “Conduit”. I received an offer to cooperate in the journal Pioneer, where M. Prishvin, A. Gaidar, and others worked at the time. I met S. Marshak, the meeting with which determined the creative path of Kassil as a children’s writer. He did not leave journalism: he worked for more than nine years in the newspaper Izvestia, traveled around the country and abroad, meeting interesting people, publishing materials in newspapers for adults and children. The second large book “Schwambrania” was published in 1933;
The subject of novels and novels, written later by Kassil, is diverse: “Goalkeeper of the Republic” (1937); “Cheremish – brother of the hero” (1938); “Mayakovsky – himself” (1940); “My dear boys” (1944); “The course of the white queen” (1956); “Street of the younger son” (together with M. Polyansky, 1949); “Gladiator’s Bowl” (1961) and others.
For many years he taught at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. L. Kassil died in Moscow in 1970.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Kassil Lev Abramovich