(born 1934)
Ikolaevich Boyko is a native Kuban native to the Otradnenskoye Foothills. Children’s and school years passed in Gulkevichsky and Belorechensky areas. He graduated from the Kharkov Tank School, served in Transbaikalia. As a third-year student of the history and philology faculty of the Krasnodar Pedagogical Institute, he published the first book of stories – “Razlad”. It was in 1961.
Numerous trips with a correspondent certificate for the North Caucasus and the South of Russia gave Ivan Boyko great life material for creating prosaic and sketch books: The Crusines, The Knock on the Gate, The Before the Sunset, The Cossack Mountain, The Feast of the Soul, “I look, I listen….”, “Give me, Motherland, strength!”, “Native”, published in Moscow and Krasnodar in mass editions. The story “To catch up to sunset” was republished by “Roman-Gazeta” with a circulation of two million six hundred thousand copies. The stories were translated abroad.
Methodical work in cultural institutions contributed to the deepening of the songwriting, familiarizing with collecting activities, and later – the emergence of unique in the North Caucasus folklore collections: “Otradnensky chastushki, pripevki, suffering”, “Put your ears on the top of the head – modern ditties”, ” “,” Kuban ditties, chanting, suffering, drinking songs “.
Biography Ivan Boyko