Biography Gladkov Fedor Vasilyevich


Gladkov Fedor Vasilyevich (1883 – 1958), the prose writer. Born June 9 (21 N. s.) In the village of Chernavka, Saratov province in a peasant Old Believer family. He received his primary education in a rural school, then had to work: he was a “boy” in a shop, a student at a pharmacy store, a typewriter in a printing house. He continued his education, enrolled in Yektarynograd in the school, after which he received the title of elementary school teacher. From 1902 he taught in Transbaikalia. In 1905 he went to Tiflis to enter the teachers’ institute, he approached the revolutionaries and, on the instructions of the party, left for Yeysk. Soon there was an arrest and a reference to three years in the Verkholensky district. After his return he lived in Novorossiysk.
F. Gladkov began to write, studying at Ekaterinodar School, when the first was published – “To the Light.” His early works were published in provincial newspapers. A more mature work was the story of “The Outcast”, about political exiles, written in 1908 – 09 (published in 1922).
In 1914 – 17 Gladkov taught in the gymnasium of the village of Pavlovskaya in the Kuban. With the outbreak of the civil war, he volunteered for the Red Army. In 1920, appointed editor of the Novorossiysk newspaper “Red Black Sea Coast.” In 1921 he was transferred to work in Moscow. In the 1920s he wrote a number of works: the story “The Fiery Horse”, plays “The Borel” and “The Wagga”, the novel “Cement”, which brought to the author fame, highly appreciated by M. Gorky.
In 1923, Gladkov enters the literary group “Forge”, new works of the writer appear: the story “Blood of the Heart” (1928), “New Earth” (1930), a collection of “Little Trilogy” (satirical stories, 1932). Since 1932 he became a member of the editorial board of the magazine “New World”, during this period creates his significant work – the novel “Energy.” During the Great Patriotic War he was a correspondent for the newspapers Pravda and Izvestia, wrote stories about the people of the Ural plants, about Leningrad workers evacuated to the Urals – the story “The Oath” (1944). In 1945 – 48 was director of the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. In the post-war years he wrote an autobiographical trilogy – “A Tale of Childhood” (1949), “Volnitsa” (1950), “The Furious Godina” (1954),
Peru F. Gladkov’s literary portraits of a number of writers – / 7. Bazhov, A. Serafimovich and others – and public figures – M. Kalinin, and. Skvortsova-Stepanova, etc. F. Gladkov died in Moscow on December 20, 1958.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Gladkov Fedor Vasilyevich