Biography Ershov Petr Pavlovich

In faraway Siberia, in the family of a village official Pavel Gavrilovich Ershov, a son was born. The boy was very weak in health, he often had nervous seizures. Parents, in order to save his son from seizures, decided, according to the rite in Siberia, to “sell” the child. After that, Peter’s fits almost stopped.
When the sons came to study at the gymnasium, the family moved to Tobolsk, and then to St. Petersburg, where two of the surviving sons (ten of the twelve children of the Ershovs died) entered the university. It was there that something extraordinary happened: the student of the law faculty Peter Ershov wrote his first poetic fairy tale – The Humpbacked Horse.
One of the first readers of the fairy tale was the university rector PA Pletnev. The composer liked the composition of the eighteen-year-old author so much that the next day instead of lecturing he read to his students the first part of “The Humpbacked Horse”.
A year later the fairy tale was printed. “Humpbacked Horse” and its owner Ivan fell in love with readers so much that they began to retell the tale, to pass “from mouth to mouth”. In the end, she even got into the collection of Russian folk tales, compiled by A. Afanasiev and D. Sadovnikov, – the highest honor for the writer.
Pyotr Pavlovich himself said about the reason for the success of his fairy tale: “I managed to get into the national vein.” My own little one rang, and the Russian heart responded. ” Indeed, the fairy tale is written in a light, expressive, melodious verse,

Biography Ershov Petr Pavlovich