(7/10/1738 -)
Bolotov Andrei Timofeevich – writer of the second half of the last century, genus. in the Tula Gubernia, in the clan village of Dvoreninovo (Alexinsky U.), October 7, 1738. He spent his first years with his parents in Livland and Finland, where his father served. 10 years old was enlisted as a capthenarmus in the army regiment, which was under the command of his father. At the age of 12, V. lost his last, and two years later his mother died. After spending some time in his homeland, B. entered 17 years, in 1755, for active service as a sergeant in the Arkhangelsk regiment and in 1757 sent an officer to the Prussian campaign, where he took part in all important battles. In 1758 – 61 years. he served in the office of the Russian military governor of East Prussia, and at the beginning of 1762 he was transferred from the regiment as an adjutant to St. Petersburg. police general of the bar. Corfu, but soon left in the bet and before the reign of Catherine II went to his village, Here he married and spent the rest of his life, actively engaged in farming on his estate and managing also the estates of Count Bobrinsky. He died 96 years, 7 October 1833. By the end of his life, he was completely blind. The wife survived her husband for one year and died 85 years, having married 70 years. At the time of his stay in the village are the following literary works: “Children’s philosophy, or moralizing conversations between a single mistress and her children” (2 hours, M., 1776 – 79); “Feelings of a Christian at the beginning and end of each day in the week” (Moscow, 1781); “The unfortunate orphans” (other in 3 d., M., 1781); “Henrietta or hussar abduction” (from German, 3 hours, Moscow, 1782); IM Herzen ” Reasoning about the beginning and end of the present and the state of the future world “(with German, M., 1783),” Guide to true human happiness “(3 hours, M., 1784),” Life and strange adventures of the deceased in 1788 “Karl Edward” (Translated from German, M., 1794) The fruit of his scholarly studies remained: “Brief and on the basis of experience based on comments on electricity and on the ability of electric machinas to help from various diseases.” (St. Petersburg, 1803) But his main occupation, as already mentioned, was agriculture, and, taking into account his work in this field, he should be considered the best Russian agronomist of the 18th century B. published extremely agricultural magazines for his time: “Rural inhabitant”, in 1778 – 79 and “Economic store”, in 1780 – 89: both went to Moscow. In addition, after him left a large manuscript, 7 tons in the octopus, written remarkably beautifully, like all his manuscripts, under the title: “Images and descriptions of different breeds of apples and pears, born in Dvoreninsky, and partly in other gardens, painted by Andrei Bolotov 1797 – 1800 “. This is a remarkable work on Russian pomology, the significance of which is so great that it was printed in extract even in 1861 in the Journal of Horticulture. Finally, B. left “Notes”, on which his reputation is based. They were published by the editors of the “Russian Antiquity” in 1871-73. under the title: “The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov.” In addition, he composed: “A monument of recent times or short historical notes about former incidents and rumors that rumble in the people” (Moscow, 1875). His “Notes” Bolotov made in 1789 – 1816, in 29 parts; they occupy an exceptional place in the Russian memoir literature, both for their own interest, and because of the truthfulness and objectivity of their presentation. The author sometimes naively but impartially, sets out the history of his ancestors, his own life and the life of the surrounding society, the abuse and dislocation of the modern social order, etc. The Notes give rich material for studying the life of the provincial nobility of the eighteenth century and make it possible to determine the degrees of Russian cultural society in that era. With this purpose they used E. Shchepkina in her work: “The ancient landlords in service and at home, 1578 – 1762” (St. Petersburg, 1890). M. M. F. Brokgauz, IA Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. they occupy an exceptional place in the Russian memoir literature, both for their own interest, and because of the truthfulness and objectivity of their presentation. The author sometimes naively but impartially, sets out the history of his ancestors, his own life and the life of the surrounding society, the abuse and dislocation of the modern social order, etc. The Notes give rich material for studying the life of the provincial nobility of the eighteenth century, and make it possible to determine the degree of cultural Russian society in that era. With this purpose they used E. Shchepkina in her work: “The ancient landlords in service and at home, 1578 – 1762” (St. Petersburg, 1890). M. M. F. A. Brockhaus, I. A. Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. they occupy an exceptional place in the Russian memoir literature, both for their own interest, and because of the truthfulness and objectivity of their presentation. The author sometimes naively but impartially, sets out the history of his ancestors, his own life and the life of the surrounding society, the abuse and dislocation of the modern social order, etc. The Notes give rich material for studying the life of the provincial nobility of the eighteenth century and make it possible to determine the degrees of Russian cultural society in that era. With this purpose they used E. Shchepkina in her work: “The ancient landlords in service and at home, 1578 – 1762” (St. Petersburg, 1890). M. M. F. Brokgauz, IA Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. but impartially, sets out the history of his ancestors, his own life and the life of the society around him, the abuse and dislocation of the modern social order, etc. The Notes give rich material for studying the life of the provincial nobility of the eighteenth century and make it possible to determine the degree of culture of Russian society in that era. With this purpose they used E. Shchepkina in her work: “The ancient landlords in service and at home, 1578 – 1762” (St. Petersburg, 1890). M. M. F. A. Brockhaus, I. A. Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. but impartially, sets out the history of his ancestors, his own life and the life of the society around him, the abuse and dislocation of the modern social order, etc. The Notes give rich material for studying the life of the provincial nobility of the eighteenth century and make it possible to determine the degree of culture of Russian society in that era. With this purpose they used E. Shchepkina in her work: “The ancient landlords in service and at home, 1578 – 1762” (St. Petersburg, 1890). M. M. F. Brokgauz, IA Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. give a rich material for studying the life of the provincial nobility of the XVIII century and make it possible to determine the degree of culture of Russian society in that era. With this purpose they used E. Shchepkina in her work: “The ancient landlords in service and at home, 1578 – 1762” (St. Petersburg, 1890). M. M. F. Brokgauz, IA Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary. give a rich material for studying the life of the provincial nobility of the XVIII century and make it possible to determine the degree of culture of Russian society in that era. With this purpose they used E. Shchepkina in her work: “The ancient landlords in service and at home, 1578 – 1762” (St. Petersburg, 1890). M. M. F. Brokgauz, IA Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary.
Biography Bolotov Andrei Timofeevich