Biography Averkiev Dmitry Vasilievich

(30.9 (12.10) .1836 – 7 (20) .01.1905)

Averkiev, Dmitry Vasilyevich [30.IX (12.X) .1836, Ekaterinodar, – 7 (20) I.1905, Petersburg] is a Russian writer. Was born in a merchant family. In 1859 he graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of St. Petersburg University. During his student years he talked with NA Dobrolyubov (see the article “The Russian Publicist”, published after the death of a great critic in the newspaper “Russian invalid,” 1861, No. 267). Later, he was an employee of the conservative periodical “Epoch”, in which he published the first play “Mamaevo slaughter” (1864). A. hostile to the revolutionary-democratic movement of the 60s. His plays, idealizing Russian antiquity, are melodramatic. The greatest success enjoyed the “Comedy about the Russian nobleman Frol Skobeev…” (1869) and “Kashirskaya starina” (1872). Idealization of the patriarchal way of life is permeated with the story “The Hopless Night” (1871), “The History of a Pale Young Man” (1874), “Likho” (1880), “The Old Liberal” (1886), etc. In 1885-1886, A. published monthly “Diary of the writer” FM Dostoevsky, “Diary of the writer”, in which he published his fiction works, publicistic and theatrical articles. He also acted as a theater critic. A. belongs to the work “On the Drama” (1877-1878). in which he published his fiction works, publicistic and theatrical articles. He also acted as a theater critic. A. belongs to the work “On the drama” (1877-1878). in which he published his fiction works, publicistic and theatrical articles. He also acted as a theater critic. A. belongs to the work “On the drama” (1877-1878).
A short literary encyclopedia in 9 volumes. State Scientific Publishing House “Soviet Encyclopedia”, v. 1, M., 1962.



