(18.08.1929 – 13.06.1979)
Kuznetsov Anatoly Vasilyevich (18.08.1929, Kiev – 13.06.1979, London). Father – the red partisan. Mother is a teacher of singing. The war was held in the German occupation. In the early 1950s he worked as a carpenter at the construction of the Kakhovka HPP. In 1955 he entered the Literary Institute. Student worked as a concrete worker at the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station. In hot pursuit on the material of this construction Kuznetsov wrote in the form of a diary the story “Continuation of the Legend” (1957). He received his diploma in 1960. The noise caused the story “Babi Yar” (“Youth”, 1966, Nos. 8 – 10). Censorship frankly considered this book anti-Soviet. Kuznetsov was forced to exclude from the manuscript a number of episodes related to the explosions by Soviet saboteurs of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The writer was also asked to delete all references to the famine of 1933. One time he lived in Tula, where, as claimed in the “Notes of the Soviet Editor” Vl. Matusevich (with reference to the writer Anatoly Tkachenko), arranged a brothel, which was frequented by Boris Polevoy, An. Pristavkin and other writers. In 1969, after a long plea, he knocked out a business trip from the leadership of the Writers’ Union of the USSR to collect materials for the story about Lenin. Literally before the trip he published in the “Youth” story “Fire.” In this work, according to N. Leiderman and M. Lipovetsky, “the former” star boys “are represented as being cast into an even more cruel spiritual crisis than before, the dreams of remaking the world have not come true, the cool rollers, the generation of” star boys ” “split into those who betrayed, and those who were betrayed” (N. Leiderman, M. Lipovetsky, Contemporary Russian Literature, 1950-1990s. T. 1. M., 2003). Caught in London, July 30 decided to settle in England forever. In the USSR, the writer had a mother, wife and nine-year-old son. In May 1979, Kuznetsov had a daughter. Later, the writer publicly stated that he was an informant to the KGB. The liberals, when they heard this, experienced a shock. Later, many publications appeared about the writer’s cooperation with the KGB.
Biography Anatoly Kuznetsov