Biography Afanasyev Alexander Nikolayevich

(11.07.1826 – 23.10.1871)

Afanasiev, Alexander Nikolaevich (11.VII.1826, city of Boguchary Voronezh province, – 23.X.1871) – Russian historian and literary critic, researcher and publisher of folklore. He was born in the family of a district solicitor. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. From 1849 to 1862 he worked in the Main Archive of Foreign Affairs. Articles A. published in the magazines “Contemporary”, “Otechestvennye zapiski”, etc. A. belongs to the work “Russian satirical journals 1769-74 years” (1859), articles about NI Novikov, DI Fonvizin, A. D. Kantemire, and others. He worked a lot as a bibliographer, published the journal Bibliographic Notes (1859-1860). The works of A. “The Grandfather of the House” (1850), “Vedun and the Witch” (1851), etc. were the first performances of the mythological school in Russia; on its principles is based and three-volume work A. ” Poetic views on the nature of the Slavs “(1866-1869). A special merit is drawn up to them a collection of” Russian Folk Tales “(1-8 in., 1855-64), vklyuchayuschey about 600 texts. This book provoked many responses, including including the review of NA Dobrolyubov (Sovremennik magazine, 1858, No. 9), who highly appreciated the completeness of the texts, the abundance of options, the thoroughness of the publication, but condemned the “absence of a life principle,” the objectivist nature of the publication of folk poetry. “People’s Russian legends,” which was banned by the censorship until 1914. In Geneva in the 60s anonymously published a collection of A. “Treasured Tales”, which included satirical tales directed against landlords and clergy. is a compilation of his collection “Folk Russian Tales” (1-8 c., 1855-64), which includes about 600 texts. This book evoked many responses, including the review by NA Dobrolyubov (Sovremennik magazine, 1858, No. 9), who highly appreciated the completeness of the texts, the abundance of options, the thoroughness of the publication, but condemned the “absence of a life principle,” the objectivist nature of the publication of the people’s poetry. In 1859 A. published a collection of “People’s Russian legends,” which was banned by the censorship until 1914. In Geneva in the 60’s an anonymous collection of A. “Treasured Tales”, which included satirical tales against landlords and clergy. is a compilation of his collection “Folk Russian Tales” (1-8 c., 1855-64), which includes about 600 texts. This book evoked many responses, including the review by NA Dobrolyubov (Sovremennik magazine, 1858, No. 9), who highly appreciated the completeness of the texts, the abundance of options, the thoroughness of the publication, but condemned the “absence of a life principle,” the objectivist nature of the publication of the people’s poetry. In 1859 A. published a collection of “People’s Russian legends,” which was banned by the censorship until 1914. In Geneva in the 60’s an anonymous collection of A. “Treasured Tales”, which included satirical tales against landlords and clergy. including the review by NA Dobrolyubov (Sovremennik magazine, 1858, No. 9), who highly appreciated the completeness of the texts, the abundance of options, the thoroughness of the publication, but condemned the “absence of a life principle”, the objectivist nature of the publication of folk poetry. In 1859 A. published a collection of “People’s Russian legends,” which was banned by the censorship until 1914. In Geneva in the 60’s an anonymous collection of A. “Treasured Tales”, which included satirical tales against landlords and clergy. including the review by NA Dobrolyubov (Sovremennik magazine, 1858, No. 9), who highly appreciated the completeness of the texts, the abundance of options, the thoroughness of the publication, but condemned the “absence of a life principle”, the objectivist nature of the publication of folk poetry. In 1859 A. published a collection of “People’s Russian legends,” which was banned by the censorship until 1914. In Geneva in the 60’s an anonymous collection of A. “Treasured Tales”, which included satirical tales against landlords and clergy.
A short literary encyclopedia in 9 volumes. State Scientific Publishing House “Soviet Encyclopedia”, v. 1, M., 1962.

Biography Afanasyev Alexander Nikolayevich