Biography of Andrei Kirilenko

Andrei Gennadyevich Kirilenko is a famous Russian basketball player, captain of the Russian national team. Andrey Kirilenko was born on February 18, 1981 in the city of Izhevsk. I got carried away with basketball professionally, when I lived in St. Petersburg. There he began to participate in basketball competitions for the city team. And already … Read more

Biography Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky

(1938 – 1980) Poet, novelist, songwriter, actor. He was born on January 25 to Moscow in the family of a military communications officer who passed the whole war. In 1947 – 1949 Vysotsky lived with his parents in Eberswalde (near Berlin) at his father’s place of service; then with his mother – in Moscow. After … Read more

Biography of Bobby Fischer

Bobby Fisher is a famous chess player, born on March 9, 1943 in Chicago, Illinois. Biography of Bobby Fischer is best known as the story of an American chess player who defeated Boris Spassky in 1972. Bobby Fisher was the first American to become the world chess champion. He was distinguished by unusual features inherent … Read more

Frederic Stendhal. Biography

Frederic Stendhal is a classic of French literature, which initiated realistic psychologism and expressed in his work the heroic spirit liberated by the era of the Great French Revolution and Napoleonic wars. Stendhal formulated his creative credo as follows: “Apply the techniques of mathematics to the human heart and put in the basis of the … Read more

Biography of Nadezhda Babkina

Nadezhda Georgievna Babkina is a singer, the head of the ensemble and the theater “Russian Song”, a politician. People’s Artist of Russia, Karelia, the Chechen Republic. Nadezhda was born in the village of Cherniy Yar, Astrakhan region on March 19, 1950. The hobby for singing in the biography of Babkina was already evident in her … Read more

Biography of Joseph Addison

Addison Joseph is an English essayist, poet and statesman. He was educated at Charterhouse, where he was a classmate of Richard Steele, as well as in Oxford, where he became a respected classical scientist. His travels to the continent from 1699 to 1703 were recorded in “Notes in Italy”. Edison first achieved fame through the … Read more

Biography of Edward Grieg

Edward Hagerup Grieg is a musician, composer, conductor. Born Edward Grieg June 15, 1843 in the Norwegian city of Bergen in a merchant family. The musical talent in Grieg’s biography manifested itself in his childhood. His mother played the piano, so she taught Edward the game from the age of four. At the age of … Read more

Biography of Pavel Smeyan

Pavel Evgenievich Smeyan is a musician, singer, actor. Pavel was born on April 23, 1957 in Moscow. His parents were filmmakers. So in the biography of Pavel Smeyan childhood passed on “Mosfilm”. He already then studied the shooting process from the inside. But Pavel was more interested in music. At first he attended a music … Read more

Andrei Andreevich Voznesensky. Biography

The life and work of AA Voznesensky in dates and facts 1933, May 12 – the birth of the poet in Moscow in the family of scientific workers. His father is Andrey Nikolayevich Voznesensky, a participant in the construction of the largest hydroelectric power plants – the Bratsk, the Ingursky. 1941-1945 – evacuation to the … Read more

Biography of Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc – the French national heroine, one of the commanders-in-chief of the troops during the Hundred Years War, is burned at the stake. Since 13 years in her biography Jeanne d’Arc has seen and heard the saints. Thanks to persistence, as well as the correct prediction of the outcome of one of the … Read more

Biography of Johann Strauss

Johann Strauss Jr. is a famous Austrian composer, conductor. He was born on October 25, 1825 in Vienna. Johann’s father was the famous composer Johann Strauss. In the family, Strauss had seven sons, all of whom later became musicians. Strauss’s biography in childhood was far from music. Father forbade Johann to play, not wanting to … Read more

Biography Tynyanov Yuri Nikolaevich

(1894-1943) Tynyanov Yuri Nikolayevich (1894 – 1943), the prose writer. He was born on October 6 (18th century) in the town of Rezhitsa, Vitebsk province, in the family of a doctor, a great lover of literature. At the age of nine, the future writer goes to study at the Pskov gymnasium, after graduating from it … Read more

Biography of Pancho Gonzales

Pancho Gonzales is an American tennis player, was born in Los Angeles, has Mexican roots. At birth, in the biography of Pancho Gonzales, the name Richard Alonzo Gonzales was received. After two consecutive victories in the US competitions on a clay court, Pancho managed to gain international fame as a member of the national team … Read more

Biography of Zinedine Zidane

Zinedine Zidane – footballer, was born on June 23, 1972 in Marseille, France. He is best known for being the most valuable player in the 1998 World Championship. Quick midfielder won the “Golden Ball” as the best football player of the 1998 World Cup, and also 2006. The first professional game in the biography of … Read more

Biography of Rosa Syabitova

Roza Raifovna Syabitova is a psychologist, TV presenter. As a child, Rosa was an active child, was fond of sports. Even in adolescence, in the biography of Rosa Syabitova, she was awarded the title of Master of Sports in figure skating. After graduation she entered the institute, where she got an education as a software … Read more

Biography Derzhavin Gavrila Romanovich

(1743 – 1816) Derzhavin Gavrila Romanovich (1743-1816) – poet, playwright, translator. Derzhavin was born in 1743. The future poet spent his childhood in the provincial backwoods near Kazan. When in Kazan in 1758 the gymnasium was opened for the first time, in the same year he was sent there to study. There he showed his … Read more

Biography of Kondratiya Ryleeva

Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev – a poet, a Decembrist. In 1801, on the instructions of his mother in the biography of Rileyev, he entered the first cadet corps of St. Petersburg. It is here that the desire for creativity appears, the first poems by Ryleev. For example, “Kulakiyada.” In 1814, becoming an officer, goes on a … Read more

Biography of Confucius

Confucius – a great ancient Chinese thinker, philosopher, founder of Confucianism. The real name of Confucius is Kun Qiu. He is also often found in the literature as: Kun-tzu, Kun Fu-Tzu or simply Tzu. At the age of 22 he became famous as the first professional teacher in China. Confucius was born in the town … Read more

Biography of John Dewey

John Dewey is a popular American philosopher and psychologist known for reforming the education system. Childhood and youth John Dewey was born on October 20, 1859 in Burlington, Vermont. His parents were Archibald Sprague Dewey and Lucigne Artemesia Rich. He was the third of four sons in the family. His eldest brother died in infancy. … Read more

Biography Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich

(born 1925) Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich (born 1925), writer of prose. Born January 1 in the village of Tolmachev near Kursk in the family of a hereditary craftsman, blacksmith. The half-starved childhood taught him to fish, hunt, gather herbs to sell and earn bread. He finished eight classes before the war. The Patriotic War caught him, … Read more

Biography of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a German mathematician and philosopher. Early years Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born on July 1, 1646 in Leipzig. His father was an ethics teacher. At an early age, Gottfried is sent to the Nikolsk school of Leipzig. Until his death in 1652, the father himself taught the son of history. By … Read more

Biography Fedin Konstantin Alexandrovich

(1892 – 1977) Fedin Konstantin Alexandrovich (1892 – 1977), the prose writer. Born February 12 (24 N. s.) In Saratov in the family of a merchant-writer, a self-taught poet. Children and teenage years passed in Saratov. At the age of seven, I entered elementary school, then I began to learn how to play the violin. … Read more

Biography of Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh is an artist who paints in the style of post-impressionism. Born Vincent on March 30, 1853 in the Netherlands. The first education in the biography of Vincent van Gogh was obtained at the age of seven in a village school. A year later he began to study at home. And already in … Read more

Biography of Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves is an actor, musician, famous for his participation in the film “The Matrix”. Born Keanu Reeves on September 2, 1964 in Beirut. Reeves has mixed roots, among his ancestors: Englishmen, Irish, Hawaiians, Chinese. His father was a geologist, and in the family except Kian was brought up three more sisters. When the boy … Read more

Biography Mandelstam Osip Emilevich

(1891-1938) MANDELSHTAM Osip Emilievich (1891-1938), Russian poet. He began as a representative of acmeism. Poetry is saturated with cultural and historical images and motifs, marked by a concrete material perception of the world, a tragic experience of the destruction of culture. Collections “The Stone” (1913), “Tristia” (1922), the cycle “Voronezh Notebooks” (published 1966). The book … Read more

Biography of Alexander Popov

Alexander Stepanovich Popov is a physicist, electrical engineer, inventor, known as a Russian radio creator. Alexander was born in a small village in the Urals in the family of a priest. The first education in the biography of Alexander Popov was received in the theological school. Then he began to study at the theological seminary … Read more

Biography Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich

(1955 – 1968) (1955-1968). All these circumstances-war, camp, Stalin’s death in 1953, and Khrushchov’s report on the tragic consequences of Stalin’s cult of personality at the 20th Congress of the CPSU in 1956-should be taken into account as facts of Solzhenitsyn’s spiritual biography. He took them much deeper than many others. The first Solzhenitsyn’s works … Read more

Biography About Henry (William Sidney Porter)

(O. Henry) [pseudonym; real name – William Sidney Porter (11.9.1862, Greensboro, North Carolina, 5.6.1910, New York), an American writer. After graduating from school, he served in a pharmacy, received a diploma of a pharmacist. In 1894, the editor-publisher of a humorous weekly, in which he published his first literary experiments. He worked as a cashier-accountant … Read more

Biography Belov Vasily Ivanovich

(born October 23, 1932) He was born into a peasant family in the village of Timonikha, Kharovsky district of the Vologda region. He studied at the FZO school in the town of Sokol, Vologda region, worked as a carpenter, minder, electrician. After serving in the army (19521955) he worked at a plant in Perm, then … Read more

Biography of John Rawls

John Rawls is an American academician, philosopher and writer. Childhood and early years John Rawls was born in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, to the family of lawyer William Lee Rawls and his wife Anne Abel Stamp Rawls. Even in his early childhood, the boy experiences a tremendous emotional shock, when, one by one, two of his … Read more

Biography of Alexander Nezlobin

Alexander Nezlobin – humorist, participant of the project “Сomedy Club”. Alexander was born in a small town Polevskoye in the Urals, as repeatedly told in his speeches in the Сomedy Club. Already in his childhood Nezlobin’s biography showed the ability to surprise people and the desire to be in the center of attention of others. … Read more

Biography of David Hume

David Hume is an extraordinary and extremely influential philosopher. Beginning of life David Hume, born David Home, was born on May 7, 1711 in Edinburgh. His parents – Joseph Home and Catherine Falconer rented land there. His father was a lawyer. Due to the fact that many Englishmen had problems with the perception of his … Read more

Mark Zuckerberg’s biography

Mark Zuckerberg – one of the founders of the social networking site “Facebook” – is the CEO of the company, as well as one of the world’s youngest billionaires. Early years Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York, in a prosperous and educated family. His father, Edward Zuckerberg, … Read more

Biography Zazubrin Vladimir Yakovlevich

(1895 – 1938) Zazubrin (Zubtsov) Vladimir Yakovlevich (1895-1938) – Russian writer. Born in Penza on June 6, 1895 in the family of a railway employee. The writer’s father Yakov Zubtsov actively participated in the events of the first Russian revolution and even was expelled in 1907 from Penza to Syzran under the open supervision of … Read more

Henry Theodore Belle. Biography

The tragic consequences of the Second World War for the country that unleashed it. By the time of its defeat, Germany was the same ruined state as the countries to which she had raised her hand. A large part of its territory was covered with ruins, many foreign troops were in charge of its operations … Read more

Biography of Rika Ankel

Rick Ankel is a baseball player, was born on July 19, 1979 in Fort Pierce, Florida. Best known as the unbridled reliever of St. Louis, who was hitting the outside of the field. Pitcher “St. Louis Cardinals” Rick Ankel threw the ball with his left hand. In his biography, Rick Ankel most attracted the attention … Read more

Biography Lukash Ivan Sozontovich

(1892 -) Lukash Ivan Sozontovich was born in St. Petersburg in 1892 in the family of a veteran of the Russo-Turkish War. He spent his childhood at the Academy of Arts, where his father served as a doorman and model. He graduated from the Faculty of St. Petersburg University. He first published a collection of … Read more

Biography of Peter Rubens

Peter Paul Rubens is an artist, painter of the Baroque era. Rubens was born in Siegen, there he spent the first years of his life, and in 1587, finally, with his family returned to Antwerp, where his father was once the foreman. The first formation in the biography of Rubens was received at the Jesuit … Read more

Biography Afinogenov Alexander

(1904 – 1941) Afinogenov Alexander Nikolayevich (1904 – 1941), playwright. Born March 22 (April 4, 2007) in Skopin, Ryazan province in the family of a railway employee, who later became a writer (pseudonym – N. Stepnoy). After graduation, Afinogenov entered the Moscow Institute of Journalism, which ends in 1924. In the same year he published … Read more

Biography Kushner Alexander Semenovich

(born 1936) Kushner Alexander Semenovich (born 1936), a poet. He was born on September 14 in Leningrad. After graduation he entered the Pedagogical Institute. A-Herzen at the Faculty of Philology. In 1959 – 69 he taught Russian language and literature. In these years he wrote and published poems: “First impression” (1962), “Night Watch” (1966), “Signs” … Read more

Biography of Irina Rodnina

Irina Konstantinovna Rodnina – figure skater, world champion, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports, politician. Irina was born on September 12, 1949 in Moscow in a military family. As a child Irina Rodnina was not very healthy in her biography. The girl was ill 11 times with pneumonia. After another illness, to somehow strengthen the … Read more

Biography Beks Joseph Henry

Rony (Rosny) [pseudonym; real names and surnames – Joseph Henri Bex; Woeh (17.2.1856, Brussels, – 15.2.1940, Paris) and Sulfur Fenster Justin Francois Becks (21.7.1859, Brussels, – 15.6.1948 Plubazlánek, Department of Côte du Nord), brothers, French writers. Until 1909 they wrote together, then separately under pseudonyms: R. Senior and R. Junior. Adjoined to the naturalistic school … Read more

Biography Shmelev Ivan Sergeevich

(1873 – 1950) Shmelev Ivan Sergeevich (1873 – 1950), the prose writer. He was born on September 21 (October 3, 2006) in Moscow, in Zamoskvorechye, in a well-to-do merchant family, distinguished by patriarchal habits, religiousness. On the other hand, he was influenced by the “yard”, where the construction workers were flocking, here was another, rebellious … Read more

Biography of Joseph Stalin

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin – political, military leader, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, head of the government of the USSR. He was born in a poor family in the Georgian city of Gori on December 21. In his native city he studied at a theological school, then in the Orthodox seminary of … Read more

Biography of Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen was a British fashion designer, he lived in London and held the position of art director at Louis Vuitton Givenchy’s house, before launching his own fashion line. Fashion designer Lee Alexander McQueen was born March 17, 1969 in a family belonging to the working class, lived in Louis in public housing for low-income … Read more

William Shakespeare. Biography

William Shakespeare is an English playwright, poet and actor of the Renaissance. His plays, distinguished by an unprecedented variety of types, positions and characters, form a special world – the Shakespearean theater. The dramas of Shakespeare had a tremendous impact on the development of the world theater and are still being successfully performed on stages … Read more

Biography of Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach is a great German composer, organist, music teacher, master of polyphony. Creativity Bach includes more than 1000 works of various genres. Childhood Born March 31, 1685 in the city of Eisenach. In the small Bach was originally laid the passion for music, because his ancestors were professional musicians. Learning Music At the … Read more

Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich

Zakhar Smushkin is one of the richest Russian businessmen, representing the largest timber industry enterprise in Russia. Zakhar Davidovich is a shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of the Ilim Group, which today produces a significant part of all not only Russian but also European cardboard and cellulose. First name: Zahar Last name: … Read more

Biography of Yuri Dolgoruky

Yuri Dolgoruky – Grand Duke of Kiev, the founder of Moscow, the son of Vladimir Monomakh. The exact date of birth in the biography of Yuri Dolgorukov historians can not determine. It is believed that he was born in the interval from 1090 to 1097. At an early age, Yuri became a Rostov-Suzdal prince, he … Read more

Biography Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narkisovich

(1852-1912) Mamin-Sibiryak (real name – Mamin) Dmitry Narkisovich (1852 – 1912), the prose writer. He was born on October 25 (November 6, 2001) in the Vishimo-Shaitan factory of the Perm province in the family of a factory priest. He received a home education, then studied at the Visim school for the children of workers. In … Read more