Biography Afanasyev Alexander Nikolayevich

(11.07.1826 – 23.10.1871) Afanasiev, Alexander Nikolaevich (11.VII.1826, city of Boguchary Voronezh province, – 23.X.1871) – Russian historian and literary critic, researcher and publisher of folklore. He was born in the family of a district solicitor. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. From 1849 to 1862 he worked in the Main Archive … Read more

Biography of Correggio

Correggio is an Italian artist, whose real name was Antonio Allegri. He was nicknamed Correggio because of his place of birth. Fundamental art education in the biography of Correggio was obtained from Uncle Lorenzo Allegri. The early work of Correggio shows the strong influence of the divergent styles of Mantegna, Leonardo da Vinci. The first … Read more

Biography Ivanov Georgy Vladimirovich

(1894 – 1958) A poet, a prose writer. He was born on October 29 (November 10, 2001) in the Kovno province to a wealthy noble family with military traditions. Children’s days were spent on the Studenki estate, on the border with Poland. He received primary education at home, then studied at the Second Cadet Corps. … Read more

Biography of Anastasia Panina

Anastasia Vladimirovna Panina is a Russian actress who, despite her very young age, managed to win the love and recognition of millions of viewers. Early years Nastya was born on January 15, 1983 in the city of Severo-Zadonsk, Tula region. Her family was no different from the thousands of Russian families that survived the collapse … Read more

Biography Averkiev Dmitry Vasilievich

(30.9 (12.10) .1836 – 7 (20) .01.1905) Averkiev, Dmitry Vasilyevich [30.IX (12.X) .1836, Ekaterinodar, – 7 (20) I.1905, Petersburg] is a Russian writer. Was born in a merchant family. In 1859 he graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of St. Petersburg University. During his student years he talked with NA Dobrolyubov (see the article … Read more

Biography of George Cantor

Georg Kantor is an authoritative mathematician who introduced the concepts of quantitative and ordinal numerals. Childhood and youth Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philip Kantor was born on March 4, 1845 in St. Petersburg. His parents were Georg-Waldemar Cantor and Maria Anna Boim. Cantor was raised as a convinced Protestant, and love of art was passed on … Read more

Biography of Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas is a French painter, sculptor, born in Paris to a banker’s family. Despite the fact that originally Edgar Degas studied law in the biography, he left this occupation for teaching painting. Degas studied at the School of Fine Arts, and then in Italy, copying well-known masters of the 15th, 16th centuries. A gifted … Read more

Biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is an actor, bodybuilder, entrepreneur, governor of California. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947 in the small village of Tal in Austria. Even in his youth in the biography of Schwarzenegger showed a passion for sports. First he played football, and then got carried away by bodybuilding. In 1965 he … Read more

Fet’s Biography

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet – a famous Russian poet with German roots, translator, lyricist, author of memoirs. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg. Early years The future poet was born on November 23, 1820 in with. New settlers of Mtsensk district of Oryol province. Being the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker, who left … Read more

Biography of Alexander Filippenko

Alexander Georgievich Filippenko is an actor, People’s Artist of Russia. Alexander was born in Moscow on September 2, 1944. The general school in the biography of Alexander Filippenko was finished with a gold medal. He received a higher education in technical education, studied at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, where he specialized in … Read more

Biography Pisarev Dmitry Ivanovich

(1840 – 1868) Pisarev Dmitry Ivanovich (1840 – 1868), critic, publicist. Born October 2 (14 N. p.) In the village of Znamenskoe Orel province in a poor noble family. Childhood years passed in the parental home; his mother’s initial education and upbringing. Varvara Dmitrievna. In four years he was fluent in Russian and French, then … Read more

Biography Anderson Sparky

Sparks Anderson is an American baseball manager, was born in Bridgewater, South Dakota. In the biography of Sparky Anderson, one season in 1959 was held as an indoor field player for the Philadelphia Phillies team. Then in 1970 he became the manager of the team “Cincinnati red” of the National League. He led the “Big … Read more

Biography of Stephen Segal

Actor Stephen Sigal is known for his roles in action films, as, for example, the hit 1998 “In a Siege.” He studied martial arts in Asia and opened an academy in the United States. Early years Actor and martial artist Steven Seagal was born April 10, 1951 in Lansing, Michigan. A mother, nurse, and father, … Read more

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Biography

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a Russian novelist, thinker and publicist, who in his work raised the most important problems of spiritual life and extended the boundaries of the realistic image of man. Dostoevsky focused on the struggle between “God and the devil” in the human soul, for the artistic recreation of which he developed new … Read more

Biography of Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx is an economist, philosopher, political journalist. Born May 5, 1818 in Trier, Prussia. Education in the biography of Marx was received at the Gymnasium of Trier. After its termination in 1835, Charles entered the University of Bonn, then the University of Berlin. In 1841, Karl Marx graduated from the university, defended his … Read more

Mark Twain’s biography

Mark Twain is an American writer, public figure. Born in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835. The first literary works, small articles, in the biography of Mark Twain were written after 1847. Then after the death of his father, Sam’s brother began to publish a newspaper. Before the Civil War served as a pilot, and … Read more

Biography of M. Knight Shyamalan

M. Night Shyamalan – film director, was born on August 6, 1970 in Pondicherry, India. Biography Shyamalana is best known as the story of the screenwriter, the director of the film “The Sixth Sense.” This film became an amazing sensation. Shyamalan grew up in Philadelphia, the director’s profession was received at the New York University … Read more

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Biography

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the founder of Russian classical literature, who developed the vast majority of its genres, created a standard literary language, opened the variety of themes, human characters, artistic styles, and, ultimately, raised Russian elegant literature to the world level. Pushkin’s creative work, which captures both his multi-faceted personality and national spirit, is … Read more

Biography Sollogub Vladimir Alexandrovich

(1813 – 1882) Sollogub Vladimir Alexandrovich, Count (1813 – 1882), writer. He was born on August 8 (20th century) in St. Petersburg in a noble aristocratic family. He received a wonderful home education, whose program was determined by his father, a well-known art lover. In 1829 – 34 he studied at the University of Dorpat, … Read more

Henry Ford Biography

Henry Ford is one of America’s foremost industrialists, radically changing the principle of the assembly line of automobiles. In 1908 Henry Ford created the Ford Model T car and after that continued to improve his way of conveyor assembly of cars, which later fundamentally changed the entire industry. As a result, Ford sold millions of … Read more

Biography Somov Orest M

(1793 – 1833) Somov Orest Mikhailovich (10 or 11.12.1793 – 27.5.1833). Writer. Was born in the Kharkov province. Father – Captain Mikhail Lukich Somov, mother – Agrafena Andreevna Stoykina. He was brought up in Kharkov University. His first poem was published in 1816 in the Ukrainian Herald, in 1818 he moved to Petersburg, one of … Read more

Biography of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky – political figure of Russia, deputy chairman of the State Duma. At birth Vladimir Volfovich had the surname of Eidelstein. After leaving school in Zhirinovsky’s biography, he began his studies at the Institute of Oriental Languages, where he specialized in Turkish. Then in 1965 he began to study at the University of … Read more

Biography of Eugene Delacroix

Eugene Delacroix is ​​a French artist. Biography Delacroix is ​​known as the foremost artist of the romantic movement in France. His influence on art as an artist-colorist is invaluable enormously. Delacroix enriched his neoclassical training with a keen interest in the works of Ruben, Michelangelo, Veronese, the Venetian school, and later Constable, Bonington and English … Read more

Biography of Darya Balabanova

Daria Balabanova – actress, played the main role in the film “Julia”. Daria was born on May 7, 1997 in Moscow. Primary education in the biography of Daria Balabanova was obtained at the Moscow Physics and Mathematics School. Along with studying at school, the girl is engaged in music and dancing. Daria studies piano at … Read more

Biography of Julia Bordovskih

Julia Bordovskikh is a well-known Russian TV presenter, writer, actress, sportswoman. Candidate in master of sports in basketball. Julia Bordovskikh was born on July 5, 1969 in Moscow. Since early childhood, she was engaged in sports. In 1986, Bordovskikh graduated from the sports school of the Olympic reserve, received the title of candidate for master … Read more

Biography of Georg Simon Oma

Georg Simon Om was the pioneer of the rule, known as the Ohm’s law. Childhood and early years Georg Simon Om was born in the Protestant family of Johann Wolfgang Oma and Maria Elizabeth Beck. His father was engaged in plumbing, and his mother was the daughter of a tailor. The parents did not have … Read more

Biography Kireevsky Ivan Vasilyevich

(1806-1856) Kireevsky Ivan Vasilievich (1806 – 1856), prose writer, critic, publicist, philosopher. Born March 22 (April 3, 2007) in Moscow in an old noble family. He received an excellent home education, grew up among talented people, fond of literature, philosophy and art. In 1824 he joined the Moscow archive of a foreign collegium and joined … Read more

Biography of the Japanese

Vyacheslav Kirillovich Ivankov is a criminal authority, a thief in law. The criminal activity of Ivankov, nicknamed “Japonchik,” began in the late 1960s. Such a nickname was for a non-standard for Soviet people eye section. In the gang of Gennady Korkov Ivankov committed extortion from very well-to-do people. Together with him worked “Executioner”, “Bitumshchik” and … Read more

Biography Oscar Wilde

Oscar Fingal O’Flaherty Wills Wilde is an Irish writer. Oscar was born October 16, 1854 in Dublin in the family doctor. The first education in Oscar Wilde’s biography was received at home. Parents, perfectly educated, instilled in him from childhood a love of books and languages. Then, 1864-1871, Oscar spent at the Royal School of … Read more

Biography of Joe Namet

Joe Namet is a football player, born May 31, 1943 in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Best known as a professional footballer nicknamed “Broadway Joe.” Quarterback Joe Namen played American football from 1965 to 1977. An important fact in Joe Namet’s biography was his participation in the Super Bowl III. So Joe firmly entrenched in the history … Read more

Biography Vasiliev Boris Lvovich

(born 1924) Vasiliev Boris Lvovich (born in 1924), prose writer, playwright. Born May 21 in Smolensk in the family of a serviceman. Refers to the generation of young men, who were destined from the school bench to step into the heat of war. He fought in the airborne troops. After the war he graduated from … Read more

Biography of Kingsley Amis

Sir Kingsley Wee? lyam Amis is an English writer. He attended St. Johns College, Oxford received a bachelor’s degree in 1949, and also taught for about 20 years in Oxford, Swansea, Cambridge and the United States before he could afford to become a full-time writer. His first and most famous novel, “Lucky Jim”, is a … Read more

Biography of Peter Crouch

Peter Crouch – footballer, was born on January 30, 1981 in McClesfield, Cheshire, England. Best known as the two-meter forward Liverpool Reds. Of all the players who played for Liverpool and England, Peter Crouch is much higher. Having tried himself in several teams of professional football, Peter in 2005 settled on the team “Liverpool”, becoming … Read more

Biography of Chinua Achebe

Achebe Chinua 1930 is a Nigerian writer who was born in the city of Albert Chinualumogou Achebe. Graduate of the University College in Ibadan. Achebe, as the native speaker of Igbo, also writes in English, is one of the most famous African authors and according to some he is the father of modern African literature. … Read more

Biography of Akhmatova

Anna Andreevna Akhmatova is a famous Russian poet of the 20th century, a writer, translator, critic and literary critic. The author of the famous poem “Requiem” about the repression of the 30s. Early years She was born on June 11, 1889 in Odessa. The first education in Akhmatova’s biography was received at the Mariinsky Gymnasium … Read more

Biography of Fedor Emelianenko

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko, the legendary champion in fights without rules, was born in 1976 in the town of Rubezhnoe, Lugansk region. The undefeated fighter has many titles, including the title of World Champion according to Pride, according to Rings, the champion of the Grand Prix Pride, three times the World Sambo Champion. The athlete conducts … Read more

Biography of Mikhail Galustyan

Mikhail Sergeyevich Galustyan is a humorist, an actor. Mikhail was born on October 25 in Sochi. In his childhood he dreamed of becoming an actor, already then he made others laugh. After graduation, he entered the State University of Tourism in Sochi. It was during the university time in the biography of Michael Galustyan was … Read more

Biography Kurochkin Vasily Stepanovich

(1831 – 1875) Kurochkin Vasily Stepanovich (1831 – 1875), a poet. Born July 28 (August 9, S.) in St. Petersburg in the family of an official of the former serf, released “at will” in 1813. At the age of ten was given to the Cadet Corps, then studied at the St. Petersburg Military Educational Institution … Read more

Biography of Alexander Kozlov

Alexander Konstantinovich Kozlov is a musician, a doctor. Alexander Kozlov was born on September 25, 1961 in the city of Asbest, in the Sverdlovsk region, in a working family. Since childhood in the biography of Alexander Kozlov, the music education has taken an important place besides the school. Being in the fifth grade, he, on … Read more

Biography Korzhavin Naum Moiseevich

(born 1925) Korzhavin (real name – Mandel) Naum Moiseevich (born in 1925), a poet. He was born on October 14 in Kiev. Before the war he was expelled from school because of a conflict with the director. The outbreak of war forced her to leave her native city. In 1945 he entered the Literary Institute. … Read more

Biography Nikitin Ivan Savich

On the outskirts of Voronezh, in a small house above the river, in the family of a poor merchant Ivan Savich Nikitin was born. My father dreamed that his son would become a scientific healer, but this dream did not come true. His father’s trade was ruined, and so as not to go bankrupt, he … Read more

Biography of Augustin Jean Fresnel

Augustin Jean Fresnel is a famous French physicist and engineer who made a great contribution to the development of the wave theory of light. Childhood and early years Augustin Jean Fresnel was born May 10, 1788 in the family of Jacques Fresnel and Augustine Merimee. His father was an architect. As a child, studying was … Read more

Biography Oster Grigory Bentsionovich

(born 1947) Oster Grigory Bentsionovich (born 1947), a children’s writer. He was born on November 27 in Odessa in the family of a port mechanic. After graduating from high school in 1966, for three years he served in the Northern Fleet. In 1969 he returned to Odessa. In 1970 he came to Moscow, entered the … Read more

Biography of George Boole

George Buhl is known as the author of symbolic logic. He is considered one of the founders of computer science. Childhood and youth Bull’s father, George Bull, was a merchant in London and it was he who gave the first lessons in mathematics to his son. He also taught his son the manufacture of optical … Read more

Biography of Oleg Dal

Oleg Ivanovich Dahl is an actor of theater and cinema. Oleg was born in Moscow on May 25, 1941, but spent his childhood in Lublin. In the family, Dal had no actor roots – his father was an engineer, and his mother – a teacher. As a child in his biography, Oleg Dal went in … Read more

Biography of Vitali Klitschko

Klitschko Vitaly Vladimirovich is a famous professional Ukrainian boxer, politician. He was born on July 19, 1971 in the village of Belovodskoye, Kirghiz SSR. The athlete conducts battles in the heavyweight division. The physical data of Vitali Klitschko are as follows: height 200 cm, weight 112 kg. In his entire biography Vitali Klitschko earned 35 … Read more

Biography of Simon Petliura

Simon Vasilyevich Petlyura – political, military leader of Ukraine, who heads the Directory of the Ukrainian People’s Republic. Simon Petliura was born in Poltava on May 5, 1879. Educated in the seminary of Poltava. 1900 in Petliura’s biography is designated by joining the revolutionary Ukrainian party. Since then, he began active party activities. A little … Read more

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov. Biography

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a Russian poet, perceived by his contemporaries as the flagship of revolutionary-democratic lyrics and the personification of the “conscience of the epoch”. In Nekrasov’s lyrics, which opened a new page in the development of Russian realism, the dramas and tragedies of the everyday life of representatives of the social lower classes … Read more

Biography of Armin van Bureen

Armin van Bureen – DJ, composer, producer, was born in the Netherlands. The fascination with music, including electronic music, in the biography of Armin van Buuren was manifested in childhood. Over time, this passion flared up even more. So, at the age of 14, with the help of a synthesizer and a sampler, the first … Read more

Biography of Chuck Close

Chuck Close is an American artist, was born in the city of Monroe, Washington. In the biography of Chuck Close, education was obtained at the University of Washington, where in 1962 he received a bachelor’s degree. Then in 1963, Close protected the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Yale University, and in 1964 became a … Read more