Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Biography

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a Russian lyricist, famous for his “poet of feeling” and “fanatic of beauty”. Being an adherent of “pure art”, he developed in his work “eternal” themes of love, beauty, nature, “poetry of the soul”, art.

The life of A. A. Fet in dates and facts

Presumably between October 29 and November 29, 1820 – was born in the estate of the landlord Afanasii Shenshin, in the village of Novoselki Mtsensk district of Orel province; at birth was recorded under the surname of his father.

1834 – was sent to study in the town of Verro, located in Livonia. While there, the future poet received from his father the news that his name was changed to the surname “Fet” due to the discovered “sad circumstances” of his birth. This event brought him a lot of suffering and doomed to years of struggle for the return of the lost position in society.

1837 – was transported to Moscow and given to the board of MP Pogodin – a famous writer, historian and journalist. At the same time Fet was carried away by writing poems.

1838 – entered the Moscow University, where he first studied at the Faculty of Law, and then switched to the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy. In his student years, Fet received recognition from the most authoritative connoisseurs of exquisite literature, in particular, NV Gogol, who noted his talent, and VG Belinsky, who approved his first poetic collection, The Lyrical Pantheon, published in 1840 for the signature “AF”.

1845 – after graduating from the university, the poet entered the military service in the Kirassir regiment stationed in the Kherson province, thereby hoping to regain, according to the laws of the time, the noble rank. He successfully combined army duties with poetic creativity, which also witnessed the flowering of his literary fame in the 1850s.

In 1848, Fet met M. Lazic, to whom he experienced a deep love affair, but with which, due to social and material reasons, he could not marry. Soon the girl died, and this loss left a deep wound in the soul of the poet. The image of Maria Lazic is present in many Fetovski poems.

In 1856 – traveled to Europe, during which he visited Germany, France and Italy.

1857 – married M. Botkin.

1858 – retired and settled in Moscow.

In 1860, in the native Mtsensk district of the Orel province, the poet bought Stepanovka’s farm and, having built a house there, he began to live the life of a village landowner. Immersed in the hassle of the estate, he for a while abandoned the literary work, but eventually returned to it. In the years of voluntary “flight to Stepanovka,” Fet actively translated the poetry of antiquity, the East, German and French authors. His pen belongs also to the first Russian translation of the famous treatise of the German philosopher A. Schopenhauer “Peace as Will and Representation.”

In 1863 – the collection of Fet’s works was published.

Since 1883, consistently released collections of his poems under the common title “Evening Lights”, through which he once again ascended to the heights of glory.

November 21, 1892 – the poet died.



