Act for which I condemn myself
Probably, it is natural for each of us to commit acts, which, in consequence, we begin to regret. Ideal people, like ideal actions, do not exist. In my life I have done a lot of things, which I now terribly regret.
It is a pity that progress has not reached such an extent that people can change this or that time period in their past. And whether it is necessary? It’s not for nothing that people say that people learn from mistakes because they live in this world for the first time. Of course, it is not without the fact that we like to fall twice into the same river, but this is a different matter.
When I was seven years old, I did a very bad thing in relation to my school friend. The boy entrusted me with one secret, but I could not keep it a secret and the next day the whole class chuckled at him and I including. Then, it seemed to me funny that one person is not worth keeping his secrets, when you can become the epicenter of attention of other classmates.
Being in the seventh grade, I tried to talk to him, how to apologize for the fateful event that changed his life, for several years she tortured herself for her long tongue. But, to my chagrin, the comrade silently looked at me and on this sad note our conversation ended. His stone look was enough to cause a jinx on the body, after all, very often the look can be read on a lot more than any explanation.
Year went, and I still could not forgive myself for a childish act, and over time, my worldview changed noticeably and I realized how stupid I was once. But then she thought that I was cool and I can be proud of having arranged for all my classmates, but now I do not need it. As folk wisdom says: “Better one is a devoted friend than a herd of those who will sell you for a penny”.