A Brief History of the History of Vasilii Koriotsky

Basil the Coriot, being the son of an impoverished nobleman, asks his father to let him go to the service so that he can help the family by sending part of his salary to his parents. The young man begins his career in St. Petersburg, settling down as a simple sailor. For hard work, diligence and ingenuity, he will soon be appointed the oldest sailor on the ship. At this time, a decree comes out, which orders sailors to select the best and send them to study in Europe. So Vasily was sent to Holland to serve a rich merchant. A young man deserves the confidence of a merchant, and he commits him to trade.

The merchant does not remain in debt and generously bestows Vasily, and he, in turn, sends a large part of the money to his parents. After a while, the service life comes to an end. The merchant asks the young man to remain forever under his wing, for he is very attached to him. Vasily, nevertheless, wants to visit his father, but after promises to return. He receives from the merchant three ships, clogged with goods, a large sum of money and sails. But before that, the young man sewed a thousand chervonets into a caftan for a rainy day.

In the sea a group of ships falls into a storm. Vasily’s ship sinks, unable to withstand the onslaught of the elements. The young man, clinging to the board, survives, and waves carry him to an island of considerable size, on which the robbers live. Basil pretends to be a robber himself, and they take him to him. When the robbers go to the raid on passing ships, the young man, not wanting to engage in robbery, always asks him to let him go alone. After a while he returns to the den, and gives away some of those chervontsi that he sewed into the caftan, and tells the robbers about a successful raid.

The gang was pleased with such a successful colleague, and elected him ataman instead of the old one. Basil initially refuses, but under pain of death he is forced to agree. The previous ataman gives the young man the treasury of the robbers and the keys to the closet, which those threatening with violence are forbidden to unlock without their presence.
Once, once alone on the island, Vasily unlocks the closet and finds a beautiful girl there. It turns out that her name is Irakly and she is the daughter of the Florensky King. The robbers took her prisoner and are still holding, as they can not agree on whom she will belong to. The girl begs Vasily to rescue her from the island, to which he gives a promise to help.

One day a young man meets fishermen from the State of Cesar, who trade with fish robbers, and agrees with them about escaping. After a while, Vasily tells the robbers that he saw seven merchant ships in the distance, and orders them to capture them.
When the whole gang goes to the raid, Vasily clears the robber treasury and, together with Iraklia, escapes from the island in a fishing boat. The robbers, having discovered the deception, try to catch up with them, but without success. Reaching the pier, the couple sails to Cesarea on the postal ship. There they rent a big house and live, not denying themselves anything.

Caesar notices him in rich clothes in the church, and decides to find out about the stranger. Basil told Caesar about what had happened to him recently, and that he had saved the daughter of the Florensky King from the robbers. Cesar liked the young man, and he makes the latter his closet and invites him along with Heraclius to move to live in the palace. He also tells the former sailor that the father of Irakli sent his admiral to her search, promising her daughter to be his wife.
After some time, the fleet of the Florensky admiral arrived in Cesarea.

Learning about this, sorrowful Irakly wears a black dress. Caesar does not conceal from the admiral that the princess lives in his palace with his named brother, Basil, and he has the right to decide whether to give Irakly to the admiral. The Admiral personally asks Irakly to return with him home, but she replies that the decision must be made by her savior. Basil refuses to give up Iraklia, and asks to tell the king that her daughter lives comfortably in Cesarea, and if he wants to see her, then let him come personally.

But the admiral does not intend to surrender so simply, and decides to deceive. He invites Vasily and Heraclius, Cesar generals, ministers and other entourage to his ship. After a generous libation, the admiral orders that all but Iraklia be thrown overboard, and that Vasily be executed at all. But the officers regret it and let him go on the boat. The Admiral returns to the Florentine State and, under threat of reprisal, demands that Heraclius tell her father that the admiral, by force, rescued her from the Cesar captivity.

Upon arrival at home, the admiral demands that the king fulfill his promise and give his daughter to his wife, and he agrees. Heraclius is in deep sorrow, she does not take off the black dress even at the wedding ceremony. Vasily arrived before the admiral, and when he learned when the ceremony would take place, he conceived a plan. When the carriage with Iraklia passed by his shack, he sings a song about how he saved the princess from the robbers, and how he fell victim to admiral treachery to the accompaniment of the harp. Irakly notices him, takes him to his father and tells them what really happened.
The indignant king gives the order to execute the admiral, and Irakly to give Vasily his wife. The young man after the wedding visits Caesar, who is glad that everything turned out well. After the death of the king, Basil takes the throne and reigns until the end of his days.

A Brief History of the History of Vasilii Koriotsky