Composition “My Motherland Kazakhstan”

I am proud of my homeland. This is a multiethnic state of Kazakhstan. It occupies the ninth place in the world in terms of the size of the territory! Kazakhstan is a big state built in difficult natural conditions. These are steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. Kazakhstan gained independence about twenty years ago, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But Kazakhs, nomads, who spent most of their lives in the saddle, began to create the national culture of Kazakhstan many centuries ago. The boundless steppes and semi-deserts, overgrown with fescue, feather grass, tirsik and wormwood, became their only wealth.

Now people of different cultures live in our country: Kazakhs, Russians, Uzbeks, Ukrainians, Uighurs, Tatars and others. Every citizen of Kazakhstan knows the Kazakh language – this is the language of the Kazakh nation. Also, Russian is recognized as the official language as the language of interethnic communication.

People in Kazakhstan live freely, but not crowded. There are a lot of land here, and people do not need much. Most of the people of Kazakhstan live together, understanding that this is our common Motherland. It is not for nothing that the Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan is celebrated on May 1, and Christian Christmas and Islamic Kurban Ait together are state holidays. But there are also those who do not understand this and create conflicts because of religion or nationality.

Although the climate in our country is considered droughty and not very affectionate towards people, Kazakhstan is rich in minerals. Back in Kazakhstan is the famous “cosmic city” Baikonur, from where Russian rockets launch into space. Such a unique state as Kazakhstan is no longer anywhere in the world!

From generation to generation, the people transmit their traditions, knowledge and observations, and young people, drawing on these observations, draw their own conclusions and, naturally, begin to treat the world differently. But, unfortunately, in modern Kazakhstan many customs have lost their relevance, due to changes in rhythm and lifestyle, as well as under the influence of historical factors.

Women have become more emancipated and do not necessarily completely devote themselves to the family and children, but strive to reach career heights on a par with men. Such a custom as stealing a bride does happen, but in most cases with the consent of the bride, when for example the parents of the bride against the wedding. If such a fact happens without the consent of the girl, then there are a number of criminal provisions providing for punishment depending on the article being incriminated.

But many customs and traditions are on the contrary reborn from oblivion. This – the childish customs associated with the birth of a child and wedding. It became fashionable to hold a traditional Kazakh wedding in the national wedding dress of the bride and groom, observing the main stages of the traditional wedding ceremony.

Wedding dresses though has undergone changes, but in the modern dress elements of the Kazakh ornament, coloring of an image as a whole are traced. On the head of the bride again dress saukele. National crafts are reviving, such as felting, jewelry, leather dressing, making musical instruments, etc. All this testifies to the vivid interest of the young generation in particular to the history of their people.

Thus, the revival of traditions in all spheres of life is a characteristic feature of modern Kazakhstan. Attitudes toward traditions have also undergone significant changes. At the end of the twentieth century, the negative consequences of modernization were most clearly manifested. Therefore, the traditional dichotomy between “traditional” and “modern” has given way to the understanding that the more the traditions and traditional foundations of society are destroyed, the more the degree of disorganization and chaos, rather than the assertion of a modern way of life.

There are many examples of a completely successful modernization undertaken under the traditional cultural and semantic framework. This means that the sustainable functioning of modern society depends more on the availability of appropriate traditions from their successful reproduction and inclusion in the modern system.



