My favorite fairy tale

I love fairy tales from the preschool age. Then I could not read myself and my mother and grandmother told them to me. Since then, I remember and fell in love with the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess.”

In this tale tells how Ivan Tsarevich was forced to marry an ugly frog. He did not want to do this, but she persuaded him: “Take, know, your fate is like that,” – said. The brothers of Ivan married ordinary girls: the eldest son – at the boyar daughter, and the middle – on the merchant’s. But when the tsar, their father, started giving different instructions to his daughters-in-law, Ivan’s wife did them best. And it turned out that she was not a frog at all, but was enchanted by the evil wizard Vasilisa the Wise. It turned out at the feast of the tsar, where she appeared in her present form: “on azure dress – frequent stars, on the head – a clear month.

Such a beauty – neither to think nor to guess, only to tell in a fairy tale. “And so Ivan Tsarevich did not want this beauty to become a frog again, that he hurried to burn frog skin. with his wife to consult. To the end of the witchcraft three days left, but Ivan did not know about that. Vasilisa the Wisest gray cuckoo turned and flew out the window. I had to Ivan Tsarevich through a lot of obstacles to get to the most wicked wizard Kashchei Immortal to get a needle, at the end of Ora Kashchei lurked death. Only then he returned his Vasilisa the Wise, a gate house and they lived happily until old age.

I think that this fairy tale teaches us to trust close people. And the fact that if you made a mistake in life, you need to try to fix it by all means.

My favorite fairy tale