Biography Vasilyev Pavel Nikolaevich

(1910 – 1937)

Vasiliev Pavel Nikolaevich (1910 – 1937), poet, essayist. He was born on December 12 (25 N.) in the city of Zaisan in Kazakhstan in the family of a teacher from the Cossack environment.
In 1925 he finished school in Omsk and went to Vladivostok to continue the teaching, but after a year he goes on a sail, and then becomes a prospector in the gold mines on the Lena. Life experience acquired in these years, and the impressions received then, became the basis on which his first essays and poems were created.
In 1927 in Novosibirsk Vasilyev’s verses from a notebook of poems which he brought from the Lena mines were published. The books of his essays “In Gold Intelligence” and “People in the Taiga” were published in 1930 already in Moscow, where Vasiliev moved in 1928 and entered the Higher Literary and Art Institute. V. Ya. Bryusova. He works hard and hard on poems and poems, printing them in various newspapers and magazines. Nor does he interrupt the links with the magazine “The Siberian Lights”, which in 1928 provided their pages with the most striking chapters from the poem “Songs about the death of the Cossack army”, which did not fully appear during the poet’s lifetime.
In 1933 the poem “The Salt Pillar” appeared in the magazine “Novyi Mir”, in 1934 – the poem “Sinitsyn and Co”, continuing the theme of the Siberian Cossacks. Responding to collectivization in the Siberian village, Vasiliev wrote the poem “Kulaks” (published in 1936).
Vasiliev’s poetry is distinguished by a juicy language, close to folk songs, and the use of folklore motifs. The last poem “Khristolyubov’s chintzes”, over which he worked in 1935 – 36, was not finished and during the life of the poet was not published (published in 1956).
In 1936 Vasiliev was illegally repressed. Posthumously rehabilitated.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.



