The sun shines brightly. A light playful playful breeze affectionately caresses meadow grass: it touches a daisy flower, then a heavy pompon of a clover just rustles, then a thin stalk with blue bells rolls, then timidly touches a tender forget-me-not. Now every stalk, every blade of grass, every leaf is a complex laboratory, where day and night continuous physical and chemical processes take place, and each plant species works according to its program, which was set by nature.
In the thick thickets of grass hidden rich and complex life of the animal world. Heavy bumblebee loudly buzzes, flies from flower to flower, collects nectar. Flowers under his weight tend to the ground, but this does not bother the great worker. The butterfly lemongrass sat on the yellow dandelion flower and untwisted its long spiral proboscis, thrust it into tiny rosettes of petals, trying to get to the sweet nectar. Under the canopy of dense grass, a predatory and useful beetle beetle eats up its prey.
Hot air is impregnated with tender honey smells of flowering mixed herbs, which are mixed in a common fragrant bouquet. In this weather it’s good to walk through the meadows!