In Latin, the examination means “test.” And indeed, during the exam the most diverse qualities of the student are tested, from oratory to pantomime. At once I want to note my fundamental disagreement with the generally accepted interpretations, in which the student acts as a passive object, over which the examiners do only some controlled actions.
On the contrary, the ideal examiner performs the role of an impartial measure of the level of knowledge of the student. It should be recognized that this type does not occur in nature. The examiner can be positive or negative towards the student, but this is what the student himself is doing! Consequently, the exam does not begin when your trembling hand reaches for the ticket, and even at the first meeting of the student with the future examiner (however, I know cases when these two moments coincided). Thus, the exam can be defined as a set of student actions designed to make the examiner consider him worthy of the highest possible appreciation, leading to a result depending on the student’s abilities, sociability and vigor, as well as the personal qualities of the examiner.
From this definition follows the “golden rule” of the examiner, which for all its obviousness is often forgotten by students: it is not how well the student knows the subject, but how well he knows him in the opinion of the examiner.